Tuesday 29 April 2014

OUIL406 Module Evaluation

1.  What skills have you developed through this brief and how effectively do you think you have applied them?
This was my first time working on a collaborative project and I gained a lot of experience e.g. developed team working, communication, time management skills; especially time management skills. I found it hard to pick a time to meet everyone as each one of us has our own timetable.Even though I am good at Photoshop and Illustrator, I also learnt new skills and techniques which was really helpful and saved me a lot of time. I think I managed my time quite well for this module as I did blogging while I was making my final work and it saved me a massive amount of time.  

2. What approaches to/methods of image making have you developed and how have they informed your concept development process?
I tried to experiment with ink and I had fun with it but I thought ink was not suitable for brief 3 as the outcomes had to be from stamp size to postcards and to an A2 size. I developed different styles of illustrations by using felt-tip and traditional collages (tea party poster). I found it interesting to learn other people's style of illustrations and the tea party’s style is completely opposite to my style.

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?
My illustrations are vey simplified and legible. I think it is as brilliant as good illustrations are when audiences get the message just by looking at it. I also picked the right colour schemes by using pastel and contrasting colours. As well as that, when it came to making my final designs, I was not afraid to fail as failure is a stepping tone to success. One of my other strengths is I was not afraid to ask people around me their opinion about my work as I think people's opinions are extremely valuable. I also used social media e.g. Facebook and Whatsapp to ask people's opinions and that was really helpful; it gave a massive impact to my final outcomes especially on the Korea postcard for the studio brief 2.

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?
I think I have worked with Illustrator a lot and I did not let myself explore other media,techniques and processes. I always gave up half way whenever I was exploring new medias and I think this is a bad habit. I think I am lacking in research in terms of looking at contemporary designers. For my next module, I will do my best to look at other illustrators and perhaps go to the library and not only the internet. My other weaknesses were (in studio brief 1) I was afraid to give my opinion as I think I was not so confident especially as English isn't my first language and I did not really know my team members. I also think that I was lacking in ideas and sketches. I do not know if it me that was lazy or this brief does need lots of sketches.

5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?
I want to try a new style of illustration as I am already bored with Photoshop and Illustrator.I would love to do screen printing technique more as I did a bit on studio brief 2 and it was fun even though it took forever; I think that due to screen printing I could use 3 colours. Basically I just want to run away from digital stuff and go back to traditional methods of drawing. I want to try to playing with depth and composition in drawing even though I am pretty bad at it; even though I know it will take me forever to develop this skill. Maybe I should look at more contemporary designers, maybe not only from the UK and US, perhaps from Russia, Japan - look at different illustrators from a variety of backgrounds. I wouldn't be able to cut the edges of the stamps as they are too small.

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