Friday 11 April 2014

Postcard 3 - SS Eastern Ship.

 As usual by mixing two photograph to make my illustration.

I start illustrate SS Eastern Ship on Illustrator.

I have used the grids to make lines on both side equal

I just copied and pasted the left sail to create the right sail as they are identical

I want to add some stuff and details but I found it difficult because the photograph is too dark.

I decided to go on Photoshop to change its level so it brighter.

I found it hard to make the circles on the right angle and position, so I added a white line as a guide which was very helpful.

I also created a rectangle as a guide line so the distance between each circle is equal.
This is the SS Eastern Ship illustration. I like the colour but I think I need to look at the actually SS Eastern colour pallet.

But before that, I tried to put the ship on the actual postcard format and it looked good. However the ship have to bleed off the page as its too long.

I changed the colour of the sea and added the colour of the sky.

I added few clouds and adduct the background colour (sky)

I tried to put the whole ship on the postcard but it look too pack and lack of breathing space. I think I just go with the original idea - ship bleed off the page. It represents the size and shows the audience how massive is his invention.

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