Wednesday 16 April 2014

colours scheme

I feel like changing my design colour scheme to a limited colour pallet, maybe within 3/4 colours. So I went to to look for some colours. I really fancy colouring my illustrations with pastel colours and using the same colour scheme; inspired by Nate William's illustration.

Below are some colour pallets that I am interested in :-




It took me forever to pick the colour scheme. My favourite one is number 2 as I like the tone of the pink and I think among all these colour pallets, number 2 is the stronger pallet. 

As you can see there are different tones within a pallet. I tried the second darkest tone in Illustrator and it looked darker than the ones above (the ones that I screen shot).
I think I should try a brighter tone as I don't want my illustrations to look dull even though I use pastel colour scheme.
I made the colour pallet brighter. I will try to use this pallet first, if it works then I'll go with this; if not then I'll stick with the original illustrations colour that I created.

First of all, I created a swatch then went to 'recolour artwork' so I can change my illustrations' colour easily. 

I don't think the colour scheme suits my illustrations. I think what I could do is just edit the postcard illustrations' colours to pastel colours.

Before and after.
I tried to change the colours but it made the illustration look duller so I might just stick with the original colour tone.

 I added some texture but I don't like it. I feel like adding a white border around the edge too but I do not know how to. This is where my idea is testing my Adobe skill. 

I tried to add some text (the name of his inventions) as I thought some people might not know him and his inventions very well. I do not know, I am really lost. I like my illustration I just don't like the colour as it looks too brash and modern which does not suit Brunel's style. 

 I tried to make my postcards monochrome.

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