Wednesday 2 April 2014

A Panda Girl(Figure and Object) - to be continued

I started off with some sketches on different pieces of papers and manipulated them in Photoshop as a  single image.

Notan experiment.
I did some notan experiments in Photoshop and for my final design, I decided to go with the middle top. This is because the panda and the cat are the key figures in the illustration and to make them stand out I had to make sure they are surrounded by brighter colours.

I coloured them in in Photoshop but the outcome did not satisfy me. I don't know why but I felt like making a collage panda. It has less depth 

These are patterns that I created by using black ink and unconventional tools.

I created a panda traditional collage then manipulated it in Photoshop by editing the edges using the pen or the magic wand tool.

Matt told me the reason why this illustration has less sense of depth is because the panda is too small. So perhaps, I need to make the panda bigger. I still don't like this illustration so I might create another illustration that has more depth.

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