Monday 21 April 2014

OUIL404 Evaluation

1.  Which practical skills and methodologies have you developed within this module and how effectively do you think you are employing them within your own practice?
This module gave me opportunities to try and experiment with new things. I learnt and developed quite a lot of skills such as composition and depth in drawing, and experimented with a variety of medias, techniques and processes such as etching and screen printing. I learnt how to create gifs for my mutant task. That was easy and it made me realise that illustrations are not all about drawing. Illustrations could be anything and could be applied to anything. I don’t know how effectively I have employed these skills but I know I gained skills and have become aware of different techniques and media that I am surrounded by.

2. Which principles/ theories of image making have you found most valuable during this module and how effectively do you think you are employing these within your own practice?
The most valuable theory was the use of composition, depth and lines of sight. They are an eye opener and they have made me think about my drawing in more depth. I found it hard to draw with composition, depth and line of sight as they are new to me and it is probably going to take a long time to develop these skills. Plus I have started to add some depth in my personal work too. I think I am doing well and now automatically think about the line of sight, composition and depth whenever I am drawing. 

3. What strengths can you identify within your Visual Language submission. How can you capitalise on these?
My ‘tone of voice’(style of illustration) has started to appear and I have realised that my illustrations are more shapes, bold colours and collage rather than lines or painting techniques. I am good at producing ideas and my weaknesses are drawing from different angles. One of my other strengths is I like trying new things but at the end of the day I will end up by using Illustrator or Photoshop. However, lately I have tried to mix traditional and digital methods together. For example for my transport task, I drew the illustration on a piece of paper and coloured and edited it in Illustrator/Photoshop and I think that was a good start.

4. What areas for development can you identify within your Visual Language submission and how will you address these in the future?
I think I have developed my human figure drawing skills. I still remember that I could not draw a male figure but now I am quite confident to draw it but I still think that I need to develop more so I started to go to a life drawing class. I think the life drawing class was helpful even though I found it boring. My illustration was more bold colour until recently I started to apply shades, tones and textures which make my illustrations more realistic and professional; however I still need to develop these skills. I need to learn how to apply shades and tones to illustrations more by looking at other professional illustrators'  work. I have only recently started to enjoy visual language and I wish I had enjoyed it earlier. At the beginning, I think the subjects given were too broad and I found it difficult on decide things to illustrate.

5. In what way has this module informed how you deconstruct and analyse artwork (whether your own or that of contemporary practitioners)?
This module has helped me a lot especially when it comes to analysing my own or professionals’ work as every week we learnt different topics and subjects. For example this week I learnt about shapes and next week I will be learning about lines and there are different types of lines e.g. crosshatch,zigzag and curve. Plus every week after a briefing, I have worked in pairs to analysis some illustrations then discussed findings with the rest of the group. This has helped me to be more confident about my answers and know different viewpoints from other people about the same illustration. 

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