Friday 30 May 2014

30 things about me

  1. I like animals especially cat and koi fish.
  2. I don't like children especially the one that making mess and cry all the time.
  3. I want to be a lecturer and an illustrator/design company (have my own professional practice) at the same time.
  4. I wear dresses and jeans all the time.
  5. I like to ice skate especially by myself so no one can disturb me.
  6. I am from Malaysia, somewhere in Asia.
  7. All together I went to 10  different schools ( from kindergarden to university),
  8. I got a personal blog and got more than 300 followers.
  9. I can use Photoshop, Indesign and Illustrator ( or other Adobe software) for all day long because I love them.
  10. I found it annoying when people talking to their phone loudly, eat loudly and throw rubbish away (not in a bin)
  11. I'd rather stay up late everyday to finish off my projects than do the last minutes and end up panicking.
  12. I am listening to Taylor Swift. A lot.
  13. I like to travel to new places with a map, my backpack and my DSLR and get lost.
  14. I can't go to bed even I hear that 'tick tock' clock noise.
  15. I am a meat lover especially lamp and beef. Umm, so nice
  16. I don't wear bring colour clothes and hijabs (head scarfs).
  17. I prefer online shopping than go to town.
  18. During autumn, winter and spring I wear hi-tops but during summer I wear a sandal.
  19. I like spring and autumn because spring and autumn are not too hot and hot too cold. just nice. 
  20. I never wash my hi-tops. Mate, I think I should wash them.
  21. I prefer listening to other people's stories than telling my them my own stories
  22. I have been to half of Europe, Australia and of course Malaysia.
  23. I have got 6 siblings all together including me. 3 boys ad 3 girls plus my mama and daddy
  24. I wanted to be a midwife at first but I changed my mind because I don't think I was clever enough to be one and decided to do art.
  25. The longest phone conversation with my mum is 8 minutes and it will be a miracle if I talk to her for more than that.
  26. I used this spot product called Clearasil since I was 12 and Pantene shampoo since I was 10 years old.
  27. I found it frustrating when I can't see my own style of drawing.
  28. My handwriting keep changing.
  29. I am a big fan of A Diary of A Wimpy Kid.
  30. I am surrounding my gadgets such as a MacBook, a smartphone, a DSLR and a graphic tablet.

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