Friday 18 April 2014


Ideas for stamps. I am playing around with scales and macro.

First stamp - Royal Albert Bridge.
I like the layout

I prefer this one but there are some white spaces at the bottom of the bridge and maybe I should move it down a little.

No. What if I zoom in...

I like this one and it reminds me of abstract pattern.

I added Brunel's name and his invention's name at the bottom of the stamps.

Final 1st stamp.

2nd stamps - SS Great Western.
 I tred to reflect on my illustration to see if it looks different/better but I prefer the original ones.

I tried to zoom in and out, playing around with the layout. Out of these four, I think the stronger layout and idea is the bottom right (above).

I want my stamp to work as a set. Because my 1st stamp is quite abstract and macro, I want all my postcards to be the same.

I tried to decided which colour would suit the red and blue background. After I did this experiment, I decided to go with orange colour as it has more contrast compared to green.

Final 2nd stamp.

3rd stamp - SS Great Britain
I found it hard to find an interesting angle for my 3rd stamp as the illustration is pretty simple and not as complicated as the rest of my illustrations.

Final 3rd stamp.

4th stamp - Clifton Suspension Bridge
The stamp would look nice but the audience would not be able to read the typography.

Too much negative space.

Zoomed in and I think this looks better than than the stamp above.

This is nice, the fact that the audience can see the flow of the top main cable.

I really want to insert the tower on the stamp but again, the audience would not be able to read the typography. I think this is due to the colours used.

This is my final stamp design for my 4th stamp. I think this stamp suits well with the Royal Albert bridge's stamp.

The queen's silhouette for the stamps.
I print screen a queen's silhouette from the internet

I created it by using the pen tool in Illustrator.

I added grey colour as most my stamp's background is white so if I coloured this illustration in white, the audience would not be able to see it.

The edges of the stamps illustration.
I'm trying to create the edges of the stamps like the above stamp as most British stamps have got those sharp edges.

First of all I created a stamp sized document and created a rectangle.

Create Ellipse> Minus Front.

As usual, I created a rectangle as a guiding tool to make sure the distance between each gap is the same.

Copied> pasted.

After copying and pasting circles, I selected all (Cmd+A) and press 'minus front' and..

I came out with this. Basically this is a guidance tool, I mean after I print my stamps, I will cut the edges using this template.

These are my final stamps design. They have all got black edges because when I print them I will cut the black bits so the edges will look like a proper British stamps' edges.
1st stamp - Perfect.
2nd stamp - What if I move the illustration up a bit so the background of the typography is only one colour and the queen's silhouette moves a bit to the left.
3rd stamp - I need to move the typography a bit up so it is equal like the rest of the stamp.
4th stamp - I need to change the typography's colour to green so it would be the same as the postcard's.

These are my stamps after I refined them, I know maybe the audience cannot see any different but I could.

Oh wait, I am so tempted to put Brunel's portrait that I made. What if I add it to these stamps as I really like my Brunel portrait.

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