Tuesday 1 April 2014

Nest Contributors Page

I had to design a contributors page for Nest magazine (University magazine) and had to collaborate with a girl from BA (Hons) in Visual Communication called Fiona.

We have got lots of ideas. The theme was 1940s, so I thought of doing passport photographs of contributors with 1940's makeup and fashion. However, because we only had 4 days to do this page, we had to think simply and quickly. After having a long discussion with Fiona, we agreed to illustrate a bar/restaurant background with some people on it.

Fiona came out with this sketch.

Then I went in Photoshop and created a digital collage. I got the textures from my OUIL405 textures that I had created. (click here) Because we could not meet each other so often, our main communication was Facebook.; so we did crits, advising and giving ideas on Facebook. (I can't show you our communication on Facebook as college is blocking Facebook at the moment)

I think I should have made the tree smaller.

This is the outcome after Fiona added her drawing. 

I found it was fun to collaborate, well I think it depends on who you collaborate with as I had to collaborate when I was doing my OUIL406 brief 1 and I did not enjoy as much as when I collaborated with Fiona. I also met other people from Nest magazine and gained experience in working with other people

Overall I really enjoy working with live briefs.

--- Secretly proud of myself---

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