Friday 28 March 2014

Postcards idea 1

Figure 1
I was thinking of creating my postcards like like a puzzle, when I place all the 4 postcards together it will create Brunel's portrait. At first, figure one is for stamps, but after I had a long though, I decided to do this idea for postcards. Stamps would be too complicated for this design.

Figure 2 and figure 3
At first I was thinking of making my postcards portrait (figure 2), but it does not suit with his inventions as most of his inventions long and landscape so I decided to do my postcards landscape (figure 3).

I am still unsure what medias,techniques and processes. However, figure 3 is a roughly sketch of my postcards idea. 

To improve this idea, instead of illustrating the full images of his inventions, I could illustrate some part of his inventions. Perhaps, some key parts of his illustrations that I though are recognisable and well known.

Further research :

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