Tuesday 21 January 2014


I am planning of 'traditional collage' my illustrations - But I don't know I got a feeling that traditional collage going to take me forever. But I can do is I should have a go first then decide. 

'If you haven't even started yet because you're scared, then stop complaining.'

These are textures that I made using paint and ink. What I did was I placed paint on top a piece of paper then using an unconditional tools (fingers, a pen, a straw, a ruler etc) to spread the paint and to create textures - Hmm this reminds me of baking a cake. 

I tried to put quiet a lot of paint so it's create more depth (suggesting from a crits)

I tried to create as variety textures as possible and tried to create textures that related to real objects. e.g. green colour for glass - lots of thin lines. For snail shells, I tired to make as colourful as possible and make it swirl texture as shells are swirl. 

Because I and the college have limited colour paints, I have to create my own colours. E.g. the brown, green and grey. 

To create brown I have to mix orange and blue, but I don't have orange coloured paint. So i had to mix yellow and red to create orange then add a bit of blue to create brown.

I love playing with paint, I love messy.

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