Friday 24 January 2014

3rd story - Part 1

3rd story - A girl who cannot stand seeing snails in the middle of a road and she keep moving snails to a saver place e.g. grass - what a kind-hearted lady.

7 pages, 14 frames = 2 frames per page. 

Frame 1-2 : snails in the middle of the road
Frame 3-4 :A girl thinking about to move the snails
Frame 5-6 : the girl move the snails
Frame 7: Snails have arrived at a saver place -grass
Frame 8-9: the girl move the snails
Frame 10: Snails have arrived at the saver place -grass
Frame 11: the girl move the snails
Frame 12: All snails have arrived at the saver place -grass
Frame 13 : The girl feel proud that she have moved all the snails
Frame 14: She continue walking.

I had a problem of drawing hands for frame 5,6,8,9 and 10. At first, I went on google images but I could not find the right hand position that I wanted.
 So what I did was I took a picture of my hand with the right position so I can get the right angle of drawing? - and BANG ! it was helpful. Very helpful.

My friends' opinions are important to me. 
One of them have suggested to add some cars at the backgrounds for frame 1,2,5,6,8,9, 11, and 14, so the target audience could see the differences between 'the road' and 'the save place -grass' - and I agreed.
So what I did was by using tracing papers to draw cars.

Frame 1, 2, 5 and 6

Frame 8 and 9

Frame 11 and 14.

I have used the same Photoshop technique as my other stories.
Scan the sketches> open on Photoshop> A5 landscape paper size>  Change the sketch images to a lower opacity> at the same time open pattern images on photoshop> Copy pattern images (Cmd+C)? Paste in on the sketches document> Using the Pen Tool to cut the texture images into the right shapes> slick at 'Load path as selection'> Cmd+X.
I keep repeating the same steps until .... I satisfied with my illustrations

 I used the grids to make sure that my frames are equal (size) and I have left 1cm bleed on the edges and aa usual I live traced it.

Almost the same considerations that I need to consider from Story 1 for this story whichwere
- Grids to help me get all illustrations in proportion + same size.
-Composition. e.g. the cars, the moon, the stars, the trees and the snails.
- Use the same shades/tones/textures/colours of pattern for each illustration. e.g. I need to make sure that the colour+pattern of the sky are the same. One of the most important things was I need to make sure that the car at the background have some sequences too.

Texture for the road and the sky.

Texture for the t-shirt and the tyres' metal

Texture for the tyres and the hair - 
I have picked brown coloir for hte hair because I am surrounding by English human being and they have brown hair + I want to make it more obvious. e.g. If the lady have a black hair colour, then the audience would hardly to tell the different between the hair and the sky.

Texture for the nose and the cars' windows.

Yes, I had had to change the Hue & Saturation for each of these textures to get the right tone of colours.
I don't have to be so worry about the skin colour tone as when I created the skin texture/colour, I purposely  picked the right colour/texture for the skin so I do not have to change the Hue &Saturation.
Each of these textures have its own document (Photoshop file) so I can reuse them freely.

Paul suggested to attached the chimney and the roof together as if it not attached, the chimney and the roof like a pyramid and a rectangle next to it. + after I edited it, I ask other people 'what is that?' (pointed at the roof) and they said 'roof', which is true. SUCESS !

Figure X and Y
I changed the size of the moon and the stars (Figure Y) to small sizes compared to figure X - composition. 

Inspired by google images' car  and car tyres to create my own tyres metal thing (?). 

I have used the rectangular marquee tool to create perfect rectangles shapes for the tyres' metal thing (?). I also have used the pen tool to create triangle shapes.

I also have used the grids to make sure the lady's eyes are align  - I am such a neat freak. Haha

To be continued 

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