Saturday 25 January 2014

3rd story - Part 2

I placed my snails Cmd+C on an A5 landscape document on Photoshop. Top frame = Group 1. Bottom frame = Group 2. I love to separate layers into groups.  For instance all layers for top frame would be placed under Group 1 and all layers for the bottom frame plcaed under Group 2.
There are some trees at the background for frame 7,10 and 12.
So what I did was I just copied and pasted my trees in a line> Merged them - so I could  reused them. By using the Lasso tool or Marquee rectangular tool to cut unnecessary bits and pieces. As usual I used the grids as guide for straight lines. 

If you realise on frame 11, I left it blank without a bubble speech because I didn't know what to put. 
Here are a list that I thought things that she might said after moved the snails and I also asked my friends and Adam, came out with a brilliant quote that said 'I am the snail saviour' - I decided to do that one.

Figure 1 and 2

Figure 3 and 4

I spend ages and ages to create and refined typography for this story (3rd story)
1. I have to make sure that the typography work as a set - boldness, same colour and sizes
2. I decided to change the colour of the typography. At first I have used a red colour but I thought 'aaah, red could represent anger', then I decided to use orange as it is represent happiness - she just moved the snails = happy.

Figure 5

Figure 3 - I tried to redo R as I don't like the R that I did as it looks so skinny. To get a consistent typography, I actually scanned my typography (Figure 5) and live traced it and yeeyyyy. That saved my time. A LOT

Figure 4 - me trying to get the right tone/shade of speech bubble as I have forgotten to save its document after I changed the Hue & Saturation.

At first I did not want to put counters for O,R,A etc but my graphics friend advised me to put it so it looks professional - and yes I agreed with him ( I love it when I am surrounding by young designers)

These are some ideas for the snail's bubble speeches

Figure 6 and 7 
I experimented with bubble speeches. I was thinking of either go with the green and yellow colour. I decided to go with yellow colour to make the bubble speech stands out + colour contrast.
 There were already too much green anyway

Figure 8 and 9
Figure 8, That was how the document looked like when I was creating typography.
Figure 9 - I accidentally create a small question mark. I tried to blow it up and it turned out blurred. - so I redid it in a bigger scale.

Figure 10
The letter H and M were in different tones - H was darker than the M. So what I did was, I used Hue & Saturation to get the right tone.
 - I know the audience could not tell any different, it is just me that can't stand looking at it. Haha.

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