Saturday 25 January 2014

Some experiments

These are some experiments + fail stuff that I did for this project.

 Matt thaught me this technique. Basically what I did was I scanned an illustration from story 3>Cmd+L>Change the 'layer' to Multiply> coloured it in
I like the style - maybe I can explore this style for my next project.

 This was a 'failed stuff' from my 1st story. Before I decided to do 3 frames perpage, I decided to do 5 frames perpage as at the beginning I had 15 frames in total. But I realised, the illustrations and the frames look too small - scared if I lost the textures. So what I did was I just delete 3 frames that I though not very important and I ended up with 12 illustrations = 3 illustrations per page.

Figure 1 and figure 2
 I was thinking of adding a tiny illustrations at the black page (page number 5). I was looking for a happy snail, so I went back to my sketchbookes to see if I drew any happy snails and I found figure 1 and decided to degitise it. Live traced figure 1 on Photoshop by using the same steps as usual (digital collage). At the end I decided just to leave my black snail as it was. 

Figure 3 and 4

 Figure 5
I experimented with colours for the acknowledgement page (page 5). I did Figure 3 first then I realised my other 'title page' illustrations have a bold colour + flat texture.  So I decided to redo it and came out with figure 4; I probably does not like the green colour (wood) do decided to change to blue - I can't remember why.

Me scanned a snail's shell.
Remember when I was having problems of illustration my snail? I tried to snail a snail shell that I found when I was doing my research.
I dont know, I just decided to do it because I...hmm.

A snail's shell !

Me moved the snail's shell while it scanning. 
I thought of using its texture for the snails' shell on my illustrations but I did not think it suited with my digital collage illustrations. 

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