Saturday 25 January 2014


I told you right I am such a neat freak person when it comes to design work right? 
Here are some works that I refined.

Me refining a toe from the pattern page as it looked too pointed by using the pen tool.

 Here me refined a very tiny edge of my illustration. I think this was from the 3rd story. I probbaly have used the lasso tool.

Figure 1 and figure 2
 I can't stand seeing my illustrations not at the right place e.g. figure 1 is slightly upward compare to the bacgrkound. So what I did was I used the lasso tool to cut and refine it; same as figure 2.

I know somehow a very tiny mark not going to effect my artwork, but I just can't. I'd rather spend a long time to refine my work until I satisfied than keep reprinting them again and again.

 I  spend 2 1/2 days to ferine my work but as usual I forgot to print screen it.

Thank you for reading. Byee

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