Thursday 23 January 2014

1st story - An Innocent Boy

A boy who feeling guilty after stepped a snail - An Innocent boy - 4 pages

These are the 12 frames (in order)that I digitised for my book.

These two photographs of mine that inspired me to draw the scenes. Frame 4,5,11,12.

These 3  photographs of mine inspired me to illustrate frame 4,5,6 and 7.

I decided to play 3 illustrations per page for my 1st story as there are 12 frames.
Roughly - the size of each illustration and the layout for this 1st story

I used grids to help me get all illustrations in proportion + same size.
I used the same Photoshop technique as the pattern pages.

Scan the sketches> open on Photoshop> A5 landscape paper size>  Change the sketch images to a lower opacity> at the same time open pattern images on photoshop> Copy pattern images (Cmd+C)? Paste in on the sketches document> Using the Pen Tool to cut the texture images into the right shapes> slick at 'Load path as selection'> Cmd+X.

I had to change an illustration for this story- Illustration number 2.
After having a tutorial with Fred, he said the angle of the boy isn't right. He told me to change it either drawing him from the front or the back. So I decided to draw him from the back like this image below.

There are few more things that I changed while I digitised them and one of them are I decreased the typography and the bubble speeches - to make it less crowded. 

I tried to get the right angle of the feet for frame 9.

By using this photograph of my feet to get the right angle and viewpoint for frame 11 and 12.

Frame 8 and 10. I sketched the boy - half of body.
But when I digitised them, the boy look better with the full body instead of half. So what I did was I redraw him onto a tracing paper and scan it to live traced it.

There are few things that I had to consider while I design this story.
- Grids to help me get all illustrations in proportion + same size.
- Use the same shade/tone/texture/colour of pattern for each illustration. e.g. I need to make sure that the colour+pattern of the boy's hair for frame 2,8 and 10 are the same.

So what I did was, after I created a document especially for the boy's hair.
changed the Hue&Saturation of the hair. 
The boy's hair.

The typography for frame 2 and 10 - Had to change the Hue & Saturation from the original colour. - Using the Pen tool>create a letter shape>Load path as selection'>Cmd+C

I also created a 'star' and a 'trees' document as I imagined I will be using the stars and the trees on my other stories.

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