Monday 27 January 2014

End of Module Evaluation

I have gained quite a lot of skills such as how to create a narrative illustration, book binding techniques. I gained more confident to do book binding and my final book design came out pretty neat and looking professional. I also gained my Photoshop skills and InDesign skills; I learnt some new techniques and helped my friends with InDesign and Photoshop. I also learnt that there are different types of researches and I applied them quite well as my outcome came out pretty good. I gained my knowledge about snails, a lot. This module also helped me of gaining my communication skills in term of presenting my ideas and helping my friends with Photoshop and Indesign.
I have tried traditional collage at first and I love the handmade effect that it created because my time was limited, I decided to do digital collage instead. Digital collage still gave the hand maker’s signature but not as effective as the traditional collage. My illustrations are simplified but legible and colourful which are suitable with the target audiences which are children and young adult. I used a sense of humor to attract the attention of the target audience. To make my book more interesting I tried to illustrate my narrative with different viewpoints e.g. human viewpoint, snails’ viewpoint, zoom in viewpoint.
There are a lot of strengths that I have identified  in my work such as my illustration’s style suit with my target audiences. I have used quite a lot of negative space and it complimenting with my colourful illustrations. I had a lot of ideas to illustrate my book which is good.  I am good at Photoshop so I don’t have any problem of creating my illustrations. Simplified illustrations style suit with the format of the book that I have chosen which is A5 landscape – still legible even though in a small scale.
There are a few weaknesses that I have identified  in my work such as I left a word ‘know’ on my 2nd story (The Gardener), illustration number  5. I might need to get a friend or someone to check my typography before print them out. Lack of experimentations and maybe in the future I need to do more experimentation. But at least my final turned out well.
If you want me to be honest, there are a lot of things that I want to do differently such as I want to pick a new subject so I can gain new knowledge. I want to try a completely new technique, media and processes. I want to be an illustrator with lots of different skills. I really want to manage my time more accurately by doing to do list or daily/weekly targets. I swear next time I will update my blog consistently; at least once a week so I don’t have to be panicking when it comes to deadline. 

Question 6.

Saturday 25 January 2014

Final product

Page 1 and page 2

Page 3 and page 4

Page 5 and page 6

Page 7 and page 8

Page 9 and page 10

Page 11 and page 12

Page 13 and page 14

Page 15 and page 16

Page 17 and page 18

Page 19 and page 20

Page 21 and page 22

Page 23 and page 24

Page 25 and page 26

Page 27 and page 28

In love with my book.
<3 <3

Final crits assessment

Pretty positive feedbacks but guess what ! ! !  OMG ! !  Mr Bingo gave me some feedbacks for my book ! *cries*

Final crits assessment

- lots of idea
-lots of qualityresearch + informed >final design
- well organised

-lack of experimentation

daily targets

For the final 2 weeks I decided to do daily targets.

I think by making myself daily targets helped me to organise and use my time effectively.

Binding my book

After printed my book,  I have to go to Vernon Street to bind my book.
I decided to do saddle stitch.
 My book on a 'tirangle folder' to make perfect holes for binding

Things to consider:-
- Put a piece of newsprint on the table to prevent dirts stuck on my book
- Make sure my hands were clean

Print my book !

Finally. Printing my book!
I need to make sure that all my InDesign, Illustration (are in Photoshop documents), fonts placed in a folder.
and Cmd+Y (Proof colour) + money/print credits


The time has come !
Yes, after 2 1/2 weeks of exhausted, I could finally placed all my illustrations on InDesign.
I made a document in Indesign (Cmd+N) like below:-
I also kept my InDesign notes next to me to reminds me stuff.

So click click click, tadaaaa. 

  I have used 'rectangle tool' to measure and to make sure that my illustrations were in the middle of the page.

Then here came some problems.
1. my A5 book was too big to print into an A3 paper size. 
So the technician told me to 'shrink to fit' so my book would be a bit smaller than A5. He told me that it would not effect my illustrations. 

Print settings on Indesign.

I need to change few things on Indesign's print setting before printing my book. e.g. Get the right paper size, crop marks, book type: saddle stitch.

So basically, at the end my book is smaller than A5 landscape. Here the dimension 200cmx141cm. But I don't mind as long as my illustrations look fine and not blurred.

So after I printed (the mock up), I realised there were more problems! (urghhh, this is what they call education. You keep making mistakes. Anyway...)

This is my 1st trial looks like.

I realised that my front and back over illustrations wasn't aligned. So I need to go back to Indesign to make sure it aligned. 

I realised that I forgot to put counter for my 1st random illustration, so I had had to go back to Photoshop and put the counters on the typography-_-

I just realised that I didn't put the illustrator's name on my book which is me. So yeah, go back on Photoshop and changed 'The End' to 'With Love, Zatul Iffah Fakharuldin'