Saturday 29 November 2014

Pattern 3 : Humpty Dumpty/Birds

I am a bit stuck with my final pattern for studio brief 3. I wanted to draw birds as the title of this story is Four and Twenty Blackbirds. However, I found it difficult to draw 10 different blackbirds so I decided to illustrate 10 Humpty Dumpty with different emotions as this story is about the death of Humpty Dumpty.

I wanted to add a trouser for my character because it looks too empty but after I add a short trouser, it looks weird so I might try to add a longer trouser.

I think the trouser still look weird and I cannot get the hand right. So I decided to give up on illustration Humpty Dumpty and try to draw birds hopefully it will work.

^ Image references

I don't know if this count as cheating by I traced some birds images then added some my own imaginary details onto it. This is because I couldn't draw birds. I tried but they looks wrong.

The making of one of my bird.

10 birds

This is what my final pattern looks like after I laid out all my birds. I had to rotate the birds so the all facing to the left. I showed this to my industrial design friend, she said it looks cute then I told her that this meant to look creepy. She advised me to change the eyes.

Below are some experiments :- 

She told me to change the eyes shape to something like image below

Then she advised me to rotate 180 degrees 

The eyes still look wrong and I decided to leave them as they were.

Final pattern number 3. I hope by using a dark colour scene will still create a creepy mode even the bird illustrations look cute.

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