Sunday 9 November 2014

RESPONSIVE : YCN Yorkshire Tea.

This is the brief:-

The deadline for this YCN brief is 19 March 2015. 

What is the problem that the brief identifying?
  • Tea drinker have been decrease year by year as people are switching to coffee 
  • The target audience is 35+ years old but when it comes to designing they want me to add some elements that can attracted the younger target audience.

What do I have to create?
  • Recreate the product design especially the packaging  
  • Summary about my design (less than 300 words)

What the brief trying to achieve ?
  • People to buy their product and eat tea again 
  • They want the design also have a sense of ‘proper brew’

What is the message?
  • They want to show that London is a one fun and beautiful city which have different nationalities, atmospheres and environment.

Who is the audience?
  • 35+ years old adult mix male and female.

How the message will be delivered?
  • I will search what is the meaning of ‘proper brew’
  • Search into previous Yorkshire tea packaging as well as other contemporary tea packaging 
  • Read some articles about tea
  • Look at some illustration ad advertising about tea

Who will benefit?
  • People who love tea
  • Yorkshire Tea 

Can you see any problems? 
  • No format – have not give the dimension
  • They only want a tiny change into their product design but also have a sense of interaction with the target audience

1. Why have you chosen the brief ?
I chose this competition brief is because I think it will be interesting for me to learn about tea as I drink tea a lot. I am also looking forward to place my illustration into different context.

2. What do you want to get out of it ?

  • I want my design to be print into Yorkshire tea packaging so my mum will be proud of me.
  • I want to gain my knowledge into different format of illustration and learn about tea.
  • I also want to gain experience in entering a competition.
  • Design a design that have influence by English design

3. What do I need to produce in respond to it ?
Design and reformat the packaging that will attract the target audience to buy the product.

4. What do I want to produce in respond to it ?
I want to produce an illustrative tea packing that will attract the target audience to buy the product as well as have a sense of  'Proper Blew'

5 things (Me)

5 most important  words

  1. Tea
  2. Packaging
  3. Celebrating
  4. Decrease
  5. Experience 

5 most important consideration

  1. People start not to drink tea anymore but coffee
  2. Target audience 35+ years old
  3. When I do my designing, my design needs to attract younger generation as well as the target audience
  4. Put the words 'Proper Blew'
  5. Add my experience of drinking tea into the design

5 related product

  1. Cup/mug
  2. Tea tin
  3. Costa/Starbucks
  4. Sugar
  5. Hot drink packaging
5 related places
  1. Yorkshire
  2. Houses
  3. Restaurant/ Coffee shop
  4. Supermarket
  5. Great Britain  

5 things (peer)

5 most important  words

  1. Tea
  2. Proper
  3. Brew
  4. Engage
  5. Innovation

5 most important consideration

  1. 18-35 age group
  2. Product innovation
  3. Packaging
  4. Format
  5. Simple designs tweak 
5 related product

  1. Sugar
  2. Mug
  3. Teapot
  4. Teaspoon
  5. Milk
5 related places
  1. England 
  2. Yorkshire
  3. The kitsches
  4. Supermarket 
  5. Corner shop

1. Who is the audience
18-35/ 35-54 years old, split evenly between male and female

2. Who should the audience be ?

  • Anyone who love to drink tea
  • Anyone who want to try new type of tea

3. Who could the audience be ?

  • Teenager
  • Young adult
  • Working people
  • Family

4. Why?
Because not only those target audience drink tea intact lots of people from variety age/gender and interests drink tea.

5. What do they do ?
Work and study

6. Where do they go ?
University, college, school, work, pub, shopping.

7. What do they buy ?
Clothes, hot drink, stationaries, makeup, beers, bus/travel pass etc.

8. What do they want to be ?
Beautiful, famous, be someone that is beneficial to other people and got a lot of knowledge. 

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