Monday 17 November 2014

RESPONSIVE: Christmas card

What is the problem that the brief identifying?

  • To create a Christmas Card that will represent Leeds College of Art.
  • concept : friendly, creative, vibrant, specialist, independent, unique, innovative, quality and contemporary  
  • friendly, informative tone of voice. The card should be professional, innovative and considered porting the college.

What do I have to create?
  • A christmas card
  • I need to include 'Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Leeds College of Art'

What the brief trying to achieve ?
  • A very unique and professional chromes card that suitable to distribute to Leeds college of Art's partnerships such as local businesses, artists, suppliers, creative businesses etc.
  • Deadline : 14 November 2014, Friday. 

What is the message?
Design a christmas card that suitable for clients

Well at first i was planning of creating some traditional collage but i didn't have enough time so I just scanned one of the red paper that I created using a piece of white paper and a red paint then digital collaged it in Photoshop by using the pen/lasso tool.

Above are some of my sketches for the christmas card.

After I've done it, then I layed out everything in Indesign.

Below are the final outcome that I managed to design in a short of time.

Rendier = symbolic of Christmas

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