Monday 17 November 2014

Experiment with mono print

 I did my mono print experiment again because:-
1. I want to try to use more than 2 colours
2. I used bright colours previously so this time I want to use a darker colour scheme
3. I did a lot of new sketches based on visual journal diary so I thought it will be interesting to see some further experiments.

These are some sketches from mu visual journal which I thought will be interesting to further develop.This illustration above were inspired by few quotes from one of my short storied which it said '…trained a theme of spiders' and 'Liza giggled again. then she put her lips together and blew...'

I experimented with mono print with 3 colours (grey, black and dark red). I used those colours to connect with my themes which are dark and weird. I have learnt that colours gave a big impact on an illustration. 

This (below) is my another experiment with mono print but instead of using a cuts-out, I drew into the paper that I placed above the mono print paint.
Above is the initial sketch. I decided to redraw my Jack-In-The-Box after I had a feedback from my tutorial. My tutor said my Jack-in-the-box is too friendly and too add a scary feeling into it, I need to look at some 'scary jack-in-the-box' or 'scary clown'.

 ^Contextual references

^these are the outcomes. 

I don't think I will use mono print technique for my final products. I only experimented with this as a stepping stone for my lino print because I found it difficult to use more than one colour in lino print. But  at least I created some beautiful mono prints.

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