Sunday 16 November 2014

RESPONSIVE : Questionnaire

I will be doing a questionnaire. These are some questions that I created:-
  • What is the word that pop in your head when I say ‘TEA’?
  • When do you like to drink tea the most ? morning, evening or night? Which season(s)?
  • How do you do your tea? Do you add sugar and milk ?
  • Do you buy your tea because of the packaging, price or brand ?
  • What do you understand by ‘Proper Brew’?
  • Things that represent Yorkshire? (events,objects, philosopher, celebrities, animals, places, dates)
Below are some answers from the questionnaire. 

What is the word that pop in your head when I say ‘TEA’?
culpa, 'mmm yum', coffee, warmth, biscuits, 'mmmmm', bag, relax, streamy brew, cosy, love, comfort, Yorkshire, dinner, drink, cup, mug, teapot, sugar, honey

When do you like to drink tea the most ? morning, evening or night? Which season(s)?
anytime mainly when cold, I don't drink tea!warm drinks in winter it's cosy, morning, when its cold and night time, morning first thing then after my meal at tea time, evening, winter, every season, weekend morning. 

How do you do your tea? Do you add sugar and milk ?
milk no sugar, 3 sugars and milk, mild (lots) & 1 sugar, honey/sugar (1) and milk

Do you buy your tea because of the packaging, price or brand ?
price (10 answers), taste (1 answer), brand ( 11 answers), packaging (3 answers), type of tea (3 answers)

What do you understand by ‘Proper Brew’?
perfect cup of tea, brand slogan for Yorkshire Tea, Just the right amount of sugar and milk, a nicely done cup of tea, proper tea- brewed properly with love and care, well made. flu mug. hot, Sounds local (Yorkshire)- reminds me of friends who say it, war, hearty, solves your problems, a good tea, it's a northern saying, 

Things that represent Yorkshire? (events,objects, philosopher, celebrities, animals, places, dates)
hills, moors, industry, countryside, Brewery's, Keith Lemon, cold, rain, Yorkshire pudding, gravy, chips and gravy, Leeds, fields+ farmers, accents, minters, white pose, beer, Sean Bean, cold, 'it's grim up worth', dry stone walls, sheep, the colour green flat caps, tea, mines, grey skies, tour de france, cows, tweed, greyhounds, Yorkshire terries,withering heights

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