Monday 24 November 2014

Pattern 2 : Clown

Image below are my reference images for clowns. I looked at Jack-in-the-box, scary clown, scary makeup and frogs' eyes.

I think it is interesting to mix variety creatures into one. e.g. using frogs' eyes for clown.

^sketches of scary clown, ready to digitise in Ps.

I created clowns in photoshop using the same steps, brush tool and other tools as I did in my previous pattern (houses with feet)

I used the lasso tool to create the path and used the brush tool to colour it in.

Sometimes I can't digitise my sketch to look exactly like it because I think it looks wrong (like image above). THis is due to I work with a limited colour pallet so the detail in the illustration have to be quite simple and legible.

These two images are my clowns that i already digitised that ready to arrange as a pattern. 

I had to change the height so the pattern got some breathing space. I also cropped it a bit.

This is how my pattern look like when I placed all my 10 clowns. However I think my clowns look too cramp and close to each other. Because I already separate the  layers according with the colour, I had had to rearrange my clowns again

I created a new document to rearrange my clowns.

Done ! I am very satisfied with the gap between each clown.

Apparently, the clowns look creepier without the green face.  think I am going to use image above as my final design for Pattern 2.

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