Tuesday 11 February 2014

We had a meeting on Friday 1330. We made a chat group on facebook so we can discuss about projects. 

Figure 1
What I did was I Figure 1 screenshot the conversation>print them>Stuck on a piece of A1 paper>analysed them.

Figure 2 and figure 3
Figure 2 - we start to get some ideas from our quote 'Do not grow up, it is a trap' 
Figure 3 - we narrowed it down (ideas). We went for the A-Z Kids game and yes, we did camp out with A-Z kids game:-

Arm wrestling
Blind man's buff
climb a tree/ Cops and robbers

Egg and spoon
Fox and hounds
Hopscotch/Hot lava
I spy

Knock, knock run
 Tea party
Upside down

Video game?

Whats the time mr wolf



We was thinking of photographing we playing these A-Z kids game and making them a gif. There are 26 alphabet so some alphabet might portrait more than one frames.

But the tutor was disagreed as gif is like animation and we only have the maximum of 33 frames - in appropriate. Inspired by Jody Barton we decided to do fake events posters. 

Our idea is basically design a poster for our 'fake events'  then place them on a veriaty places in town

Figure 4 and figure 5
 Figure 4 - our fake events idea
figure 5 - things the we might need to accomplish our project

Figure 6
Figure 6 - list of places that we might stick/put our poster.

We had a crits today and there are few things that people have suggested:-
  • You are wearing a costume, playing kids game and stick the fake event poster on the background
  • fortune cookies game

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