Monday 24 February 2014

Evaluation - That's pants

Evaluation - group

  • good communication we talked a lot > on facebook and face to face
  • each of us had different skills >Adele good at making decisions, Me good at Photoshop and editing photos, Lauren and Abby good at visual drawing and making a den
  • We put quite a lot of effort in > e.g. going to Lauren's house to photograph our final gif
  • Meeting up on time
  • Managed to get our final gif and A2 poster done
  • Clear link between our 1st idea and final result. 
Did not work
  • We needed to talk face to face more than on Facebook
  • Too many ideas and hard to make decisions
  • Different timetables - hard to meet up
  • Lack of time management in terms of team working, brain storming and  experiments.
  • Different style of illustrations > hard to decide
Evaluation - Individual

How successfully do you feel the collaboration worked? and why?
  • I am not very keen on working in a group but I think it was a great experience because I learnt some new skills which will be useful in the future.
  • I got to know my friends in more depth and know the way they work - their style of illustrations and how they made them
  • Improve my communication and team working skills
What specific visual skills did you have to offer in relation to your chosen brief?How did you use them? How did this benefit the project?
  • I illustrated a cup for my poster inspired by Lauren's style of illustration - made sure our poster worked as a set
  • I put together our final gif and A2 poster - we managed to get the work done on time
  • I created patterns for bunting and blanket - blanket was colourful and made the photographs stand out.
  • I produced some paper cups for my fake event which have been use for experiments and for the final gif
What specific non-visual skills did you have to offer in relation to your chosen brief? How did you use them? How did this benefit the project?
  • I have equipment e.g.DSLR, teddy bears and cups - I used my DSLR to create gif (experimentation). teddybears and cups for final gif > so big impact 
  • I did quite a lot of research > helped me explain my idea to the group
  • I am also a full time student and don't have any part time job > got lots of free time
What were your specific roles in the collaboration in relation to your brief? How well do you feel you fulfilled them?
  • I think my specific role for this brief was my tea party event and making gif and A2 posters. I think I did well on all above as I am good at Photoshop (like a ninja!) and good at managing my time - so all screen shoots, Photoshop experiments are stored with me.
  • I am not very good at communicating so I am the note taker so all notes from our meeting and crits are with me in my drawer - I lost some of our notes because I accidentally left them in the studio somewhere but at least I put them on my blog before I lost them.
What were your individual responsibilities in relation to your brief? How well do  you feel you fulfilled them?
  • I needed to make sure that I did all research, experimentation and thumbnails for my tea party event
  • Blogging - I think I am improving in-term of blogging on time compared to my previous module - I had had to force myself to blog so I don't panic when it comes to deadline.
  • Keep my stuff e.g. teddybears, sketchbooks and DSLR safe - I have a locker so I just put them in and locked it.
  • Document all my developments
How do you think you benefited from collaborating with the others?
  • I don't know if I did well on this brief in terms of team working because this was my first time working in a team so it was so hard and I am not very good at communicating my ideas and got nervous easily. But I am glad that I did our final gif and A2 poster.  I did something for the group  and my team loved them so possibly I was more successful than I thought.
What would you do differently when collaborating next time?
  • I would like to change our subject - pick a subject that we really feel strongly about so we can change the world !
  • Don't be afraid to state my idea/opinion to the group because sometimes it might be helpful and might give a big impact to the group
  • Maybe try to get to know all my peers first like maybe go on a night out.
  • I don't think our final gif and A2 poster were very effective. I think this was due to lack of brain storming within the team and we could not find any children to test our idea on.  We worked too independently and when it came to gif, we just combined our ideas.

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