Thursday 13 February 2014

We are planning on making 3 events = 11 frames each or less. Each one of us (except Adele - she's ill) creating a medium e.g. poster/banner etc for our events and bringing them to college for further development.

Here are the list of events that we are doing :-

Me: Tea Party
Abby : Conker  Tournament
Lauren : Den Society

Even though Adele is ill, she got some objects that we might need for our events that she got from her niece such as doll's head, a little tiara and a little pink bag. - because Adele went home first , she had had to tell her friend from Fashion to pass the items to me tomorrow which is helpful.

Our plan after bringing our posters/banners to uni is to discuss with the team members, go outside and take some photographs.

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