Wednesday 19 February 2014


Putting my bunting across two trees and we would have a tea party below it. So like a series of our photographs having a tea party.
Place : Hyde Park?

I talked to Lauren about my idea above but then I realised we had different understanding about our final outcome. What she understood was we would play a kids game and stick the fake event poster on the background. Basically it had to be a poster not a bunting or a sign etc.

Lesson : Communication is important when it comes to group work ! ! 

I really want to keep the idea of bunting. So I decided to go with the tea party poster and any posters that had bunting on them.

  • Key objects : cups, muffins, fruits > simplified and legible
  • Key colours : bright/ subtle colours
  • Subtle/empty background colour
  • Bunting > colourful > each bunting has different colour > some of them are same colour but not placed next to each other
  • Call to action : Title, time, place and to bring.
  • Sans serif font, capitals maybe?

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