Tuesday 4 February 2014

Frame : Composition

I had to draw a figure, an elephant and a butterfly. I had quite a lot of ideas and decided to go with this one. Me having dinner with an elephant and a butterfly. I decided to illustrate it from rear view.

Here is the original sketch

I tried to draw the elephant in the middle 

I like the composition but I thought of moving the butterfly next to the girl - like a pattern from big to small size figure.  Like the image below.

I moved the butterfly next to the lady. So from left : The butterfly, the girl and the elephant - like a pattern, I also tried to create depth by making the table look 3D. There are a lot of gaps between the girl and the elephant.

I don't like the fact that I drew only half of the elephant.

The girl and the elephant in the middle of the page so nahh. I think I need to redraw it with a rule of third so it creates a balanced effect.

I drew two vertical lines to help me create balance through illustration. But the illustration still looked in the middle of the page

So (for a thousand times) I redrew it again. Well this looked okay. But the table looks too short and square. I want a rectangle table just like the college's table in my studio. 

I sort of tried to draw from a high viewpoint but it looked wrong - i mean it looks the same as my previous sketches but I can see the top part of the elephant and the girl instead of the bottom parts of them

I tried to draw it again by adding the girl's nose and the elephant's trunk, but the illustrations still look wrong. (arghh!  why it was so hard for me to get things right???)

I played with rules of third. I scaled down the illustration and played with negative space. I quite like it though.

I experimented with frame, I did portrait instead of landscape.

This is my final attempt.

I have learnt a lot today.
  • Break the rules
  • There are a lot of compositions
  • To get the right composition > keep sketching.
  • The more you compose and sketch the better result you'll get
  • Try to move things (objects) around the page
  • 2 objects that touch each other are bad. - better to make sure they are overlapping.
If I had more time I would change my idea completely because I think I could do better than this and I don't think my idea was interesting enough. 
Hmm, I should have sketched this illustration from a different viewpoint. Hmm. Oh well.

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