Thursday 7 May 2015

Leaves pattern

I think my illustrations involved leaves a lot ( I am also obsessing drawing and illustrating leaves). So I decided to create a pattern so I can apply it on variety products. Image above is my sketches of leaves.

Image above was my first leaves pattern that I did this morning. But i saved it in User Work and forget to save it in my drive which it got deleted without I even realised until I got home this afternoon *cries*. (I also saved my promotion poster  for this book ! Arghh) 

I even did a book binding using this pattern

 Then I decided to remake it again.  I tried to make the pattern as similar as possible.
 Images above are my new leaves pattern that I just recreated. Image on the left is the leaves before they became a pattern. I still prefer the one that I did this morning. The colours and the layout is a bit different but oh well.

Lesson : Check my User Work whenever before I want to log off.

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