Sunday 10 May 2015

Animation 3 : The Sun

Initial idea. 

A screen shoot from last night while I was making my animation.

The sun. from zatul fakharuldin on Vimeo.

I like the angle which from the ground to the sky but I do not think that this have much context e.g. this animation only show the sun going up. Compared to my 2nd animation, there is a crying owl, few owlets and few leaves falling down.  I had to make the text at the end in a shorter time because the quote is smaller in contrast with the 2nd animation, I had to make the text time (at the end of the animation) longer because it quote is quite long.

At the end of each animation, I added 'Illustrated and Animated by Zatul Iffah Fakharuldin © 2015' in a smaller font than the quote.

I learnt how to use the pen tool as a position path. I used this technique for falling leaves so they look realistic when they fall. If I did not use the pen tool for the position path, the leave will fall down on a straight line with is so unrealistic. 

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