Monday 4 May 2015

Illustration 11

Illustration number 11 is all about the 'King Lion called a meeting of the all animals'. My original ideas was all animals gather around (like a circle time) but I think it will be challenging and had a feeling that it will not work. After I had a long thought, I decided to draw a lion roaring as even in the real jungle, lion roaring to call other animals.  

These two images above are my main image reference.

Image A and B
Image A : I am not sure about the eyes. After I looked back at my image reference, I found out that lions tend to close their eyes while roaring, so this help me to deice to make its eyes close like image B. After discussing with my friend about the sound symbol, she suggested me to actually put the word 'roar' instead of like a zigzag or lines like image B.

Image above show me developing the 'roar' word.

Final result for illustration number 12.

I really love the final outcome especially the white outlines behind the ROAR

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