Tuesday 5 May 2015

Final book.

This is my final book. The size is 20x20, 32 pages including covers.  I am very please with it and looking forward for this Monday to print it out. I like how I added white outlines (for detailing the illustration), they make the illustration more beautiful and attractive.

My favourite page is the tiger roaring. I like the white outline behind the 'roar'. It makes the word look 3D. My favourite illustration is also the one which the python go into the burrow. I think the angle make it more unique - underground.

Originally, there was 27 illustrations in total for this book but I cut down to 15 illustrations then finalised it to 13 illustrations + front and back cover + 4 pages of mosquito patterns.

I do not know if this book make any sense to the audience as I skip a lot of moments and only illustrates they key moments. I hope the audience still enjoy reading my books. I think my target audience is changing to young adult. I know this book was originally for children but after I illustrated I feel like it suits more to young adult to teenagers. I think this might be because of the layout as I do not know or found it was difficult and I did not have enough time to make it more childish. I used a playful font but I think the alignment makes it more formal and not childish.  

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