Tuesday 12 May 2015

My textures

I created these textures for traditional and digital collage for this brief. I used paint and ink and some unconventional tools so I can get different textures from them. I really enjoy making textures, I also love looking at textures from natural and manmade objects. They give me ideas to do my textures.

Time to print

I will print my book, promotion poster and bookmarks today at 1pm. So I need to make sure all my designs ready before then as I am planing to start queue around 12pm.

Sunday 10 May 2015

Animation 3 : The Sun

Initial idea. 

A screen shoot from last night while I was making my animation.

The sun. from zatul fakharuldin on Vimeo.

I like the angle which from the ground to the sky but I do not think that this have much context e.g. this animation only show the sun going up. Compared to my 2nd animation, there is a crying owl, few owlets and few leaves falling down.  I had to make the text at the end in a shorter time because the quote is smaller in contrast with the 2nd animation, I had to make the text time (at the end of the animation) longer because it quote is quite long.

At the end of each animation, I added 'Illustrated and Animated by Zatul Iffah Fakharuldin © 2015' in a smaller font than the quote.

I learnt how to use the pen tool as a position path. I used this technique for falling leaves so they look realistic when they fall. If I did not use the pen tool for the position path, the leave will fall down on a straight line with is so unrealistic. 

Animation 2 : A Sad Owl.

Initial idea.

The making of the animation. 

A Sad Owl from zatul fakharuldin on Vimeo.
I am quiet pleased with this animation. It only took me a day which I am surprise compared to OUIL504, it took me a week to create a 15 seconds animation. I had had to lower the stars' opacity at the background so it have some depth and not fight for audience's attention - if it too bright then audiences might look at the stars intend of the trees, owl and owlets.
I do not have a particular problem with this animation and it went pretty smooth.

Friday 8 May 2015

Animation 1 : A Monkey and Owlets

Initial idea.

My After Effects board while I was working with this animation. I had around 50 layers ! 

A monkey and owlets from zatul fakharuldin on Vimeo.

I had a problem with the right outlet's eyes, because the eyes and the head are in different layers and the head is rotating so I need to make sure that they eyes are in exactly at the right position which took me forever to align them all.
To make the scene more realistic, so as well as putting owlet's sound, I also added monkey's sound at the background.
Overall I am pleased with this animation. I like the owlets, they look so cute !

Redesign my back cover

In respond to the crits, I changed the back cover by adding a summary, a barcode with the price and copyright.  It looks so much better and more professional. I am really please with this.

Isuu above is my final book design 

Thursday 7 May 2015

Final Critique Boards

These are my boards for final critiques. These are not the five A2 boards.

After looking at my boards, I do not think the leaves pattern work as a set with the book. It looks like completely different project. I like the pencil case with mosquito pattern. I think I might not propose or use the leaves pattern for my final product and I will use the mosquito pattern apart of my final product. However, I do not think that clothes are suitable with the mosquito pattern because no one want to wear mosquito as their pattern on their clothes. In fact, I might propose to stationery instead like a pencil case, notebook covers, pencils, an eraser etc.

Feedback from final crits:-

  • lovely work. so much development. been well through out and everything looks greet in context
  • so much work. the animals great. so much character
  • lovely textures and patterns
  • repeated pattern is so lovely
  • love the leaves i want it on all my stuff
  • the book you made is great. love the concept
  • love it
  • great way of working
  • incredible - you put my work to shame.
  • nice work - maybe more dialogue on your presentation boards though.
  • collage is working really well with your style. the playfulness of the media adds charm. 

 I had a conversation with my group after we finished our crits and we decided :
  • to keep the audience to children.
  • add barcode and a published company logo at the book
  • move 'illustrated by' to the front and add a summary at the back. 
  • products that I could considers are bed sheets, stickers, childnre's bag etc.

Leaves pattern

I think my illustrations involved leaves a lot ( I am also obsessing drawing and illustrating leaves). So I decided to create a pattern so I can apply it on variety products. Image above is my sketches of leaves.

Image above was my first leaves pattern that I did this morning. But i saved it in User Work and forget to save it in my drive which it got deleted without I even realised until I got home this afternoon *cries*. (I also saved my promotion poster  for this book ! Arghh) 

I even did a book binding using this pattern

 Then I decided to remake it again.  I tried to make the pattern as similar as possible.
 Images above are my new leaves pattern that I just recreated. Image on the left is the leaves before they became a pattern. I still prefer the one that I did this morning. The colours and the layout is a bit different but oh well.

Lesson : Check my User Work whenever before I want to log off.


This is my initial idea for my A3 promotion poster.

Image above is my final A3 promotion poster. I used the first illustration for the front cover because the illustration have a clear link with the title which is mosquito. I wanted to put '40th anniversary' but I decided not to because there are too many stuff going on on. I also was planning to add a caldecott award medal as this book won the medal but I could not find it in a high quality. 


In my one to one tutorial with Eleanor, we also discussed about having some products other than a promotion poster and some Gifs. I decided to create some bookmark (15x5cm) that contain my illustration at the front and some information about the illustration at the back e.g. the quote, the title of the book and 'illustrated by Zatul Iffah Fakharuldin'. I am not sure the quantity of the bookmark that I am making yet. I am also planning to add some ribbon like image below.

These below images are example of my bookmarks. 

My bookmarks will be both port raid and landscape, depending on the illustration. I think in total I will create 5 bookmarks - 2 landscape, 3 portrait including those two images above. 

Below are the rest of my bookmarks.

Tuesday 5 May 2015

My New Home by Marta Altes

These illustrations are by Marta Altes from a book called My New Home. This book inspired me in terms of trees', leaves' shapes. I like the use of traditional media which I am not very good at but would like to further investigate later on in the future.

Experimenting with GIF

These are my idea for GIFs and  I will create around 3-4 GIFs.

I made this Gif in Ps. I found it was easy to make animation gif in Photoshop if the image only have one movement. For example I want my mosquito's wing, leg to move at the same time and. So maybe I should do my GIFs in After Effects instead. 


I don't think that I will have enough time to produce an animation to promote my book. After having a discussion with my peers and a tutor at our tutorial, we decided that I should create few GIFs (moving images) using Photoshop. Maybe at least three GIFs. I never create moving images in Ps (I usually use After Effects) and I forgot how to make GIF, so yeah this will be a time consuming process but hopefully it will be worth it.

By: Laurene Boglio and Sarah Goodreau 

by: Unknown

I looked at a few GIFs. I want my GIFs to like above GIF which they does have much movement yet attractive. My favourite one among above GIFs is the cup. Because just by illustrating a moving smoke make the audience know that the water in the cup is actually hot. I am not planning to put any sound if I if I have extra time then I will try. 

Final book.

This is my final book. The size is 20x20, 32 pages including covers.  I am very please with it and looking forward for this Monday to print it out. I like how I added white outlines (for detailing the illustration), they make the illustration more beautiful and attractive.

My favourite page is the tiger roaring. I like the white outline behind the 'roar'. It makes the word look 3D. My favourite illustration is also the one which the python go into the burrow. I think the angle make it more unique - underground.

Originally, there was 27 illustrations in total for this book but I cut down to 15 illustrations then finalised it to 13 illustrations + front and back cover + 4 pages of mosquito patterns.

I do not know if this book make any sense to the audience as I skip a lot of moments and only illustrates they key moments. I hope the audience still enjoy reading my books. I think my target audience is changing to young adult. I know this book was originally for children but after I illustrated I feel like it suits more to young adult to teenagers. I think this might be because of the layout as I do not know or found it was difficult and I did not have enough time to make it more childish. I used a playful font but I think the alignment makes it more formal and not childish.  

Redesign my 1st and 16th illustration

As discussed, I would like to change my mosquito on the 1st and 16th illustration so it suit with the pattern.Images above are my current mosquito for the 1st and 16th illustration.

Now, Images above will be my finish illustrations. 

Redesign my pattern.

I used my outlined mosquitoes pattern as template then digital collage using my textures, the lasso tool and the pen tool. 

I really love the outcome. I love the colour scheme, the textures and the emotions of the mosquitoes. I might as well remake my mosquitoes  for Illustration number 1 and number 16, so they have the same style with this pattern. 

Pattern for my double page spread

I wanted to do two double pages spread on my book at the beginning (after the front cover) and at the end (before the back cover of the book). I wanted to experiment with lines drawing and coloured pencil.

Image above is a final result after I edited in Photoshop. I like the outcome because it really simple and I love white spaces. However, I do not think that the style suit with the rest of the illustrations. Maybe I should do digital collage technique of mosquitoes pattern instead. 

Monday 4 May 2015

Front and Back cover.

Image above are my idea for the covers of my book. AFter I had a long thought, I decided to illustrate the 3rd idea (thought bubble). 
To be honest there were no particular reason and it is unrelated to the story. However, thoguthbubble related to me a lot. I like to draw/doodle thought bubble a lot. So, by using a thought bubble for each cover have made it more personal to me. 


#nowhappening :)

Illustration 16.

Above is my initial sketch. ' Meanwhile the mosquito had listened to it all from a nearby bush'.

I was having a hard time to draw a zoom in scene of trees with some leaves for the first time ever. I usually enjoy to draw trees and leaves. Especially leaves.

Then I decided to reconstruct an exact scene so I can save my time and energy. 

Image above is a final 16th illustration.