Wednesday 5 March 2014

Illustrator tutorial 2

Pathfinder  -working with overlapping shapes. 

Unite - Two rectangles have been overlapped

By clicking Unite - glue two shape together

Minus Front  - cut the back shape and producing a new shape.

Intersect - Keep the two shape that overlapped together

Transparent background - Select all the front squares >  using Minus Front.

Object> Arrange> Reflect
Angle - Change the angle of the object
Copy option - will manipulate the shape

Press ALT then Cmd+D to repeat the shape 

There are a lot of settings for stroke. 

Width tol - change width of the line.

Draw new paths around the outside of the shape.
Bottom shape - laser cutter will cut out the outside shape compared to the top ones.

I can lock/hide/show my guide

view> show grid

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