Monday 17 March 2014

Evaluation OUIL406 Brief 2

 4A7   Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between visual language, visual communication and problem solving in the development of appropriate solutions to defined problems. (Knowledge & Understanding - Research and Critical Awareness)

  • I have produced 4 postcards that represent well known cities which are Kuala Lumpur, Seoul, Dubai and New Delhi. At the beginning of the brief, I decided to pick two cities that I know  well  and two countries that I hardly know and have never been to - so I can gain some knowledge.
  • I did a lot of research for each area. I did a mind map for each country and got some in-depth understanding and information from my research. 
  • I expanded my research from looking only at sightseeing to include transport, culture, celebrations, well known figures, currency, symbolics, native animals, etc as I thought these would be interesting to illustrate and challenging to find out about.

 4B6 Demonstrate a critical awareness of individual intentions in the production and contextualisation of work related to appropriate creative practices in illustration. (Cognitive Skills - Problem Analysis, Problem Solving)

  • I had quite a few problems while I was making my postcards. The first problem that I had was that although I know how to use Illustrator and feel confident with it but I did not want to repeat the same style and technique that I have been using for past years on Illustrator. My final postcards are still flat (without tone as usual) but I learnt a technique called 'live trace'. I used this technique to create some patterns from images.
  • I also had a problem with my South Korean postcard where my peer group could not recognise that it is represent South Korea. So I had had to go back to do further primary and secondary research and it worked.

 4C8 Identify, evaluate and select appropriate practical and conceptual approaches to the development of visual solutions to set problems. (Practical Skills - Technical Competence and Practical Development)

  • I did illustrate a lot of random images that related to each city but for my final postcards, I decided to put the 'key' objects e.g. some well known buildings, transport, sport etc. 
  • I didn't do many sketches for each area for this brief except ideas development in general. this is because my I traced images from Illustrator (working with photographs instead of from sketches)

 4C9 Demonstrate the ability to incorporate visual skills and sensitivity to appropriate media in the development of a body of individually identified responses to set briefs. (Practical Skills - Visual Quality and Conceptual Development)

  • My illustrations are simplified but legible - Good
  • For the first time I decided to apply pastel colour  within my work. 
  • I also had to make sure that I used the same tone of colour for each postcard. e.g. the same green colour for any postcards that have green colour. - to make them work as a set. 
 4D6 Effectively manage time and resources in order to document, present and evaluate a self-determined body of work in response to set briefs. (Key Transferable Skills - Organisation, Communication and Evaluation )

  • I don't think I have managed my time effectively as there are so many other modules that need to be done and I was panicking as well. I think this is because I didn't do any 'to do list' until the final week of OUIL406 brief 2. 
  • I kept asking different people to guess my postcard cities and most of them got them right; so I imagine my postcards are successful.
  • I was pleased with my postcards until we had a crit where we had to stick our postcards on the wall. It made me realise that my postcards are so simple compared to my friends'. I think this is because I did graphic design for two years and have been taught to keep everything simple and neat. However, if I had more time I might further develop my final postcards just for fun as I made all my illustrations on Illustrator and they are vector so I can scale them up or down freely.

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