Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Further research.

Isambard Kingdom Brunel artwork and stamps.
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  • I looked at how figures have been used in stamps. Figures - like a passport photographs. From head to chest. - Not many full figure in stamps
  • Figures- more details than the object however some stamps opposite (objects are more detail than figures)
  • I could put Brunel's photo on the top right on a circle.
  • Used a limited colour scheme as I think it might look nice > Simplificty. But I don't know if it suitable for Brunel's style as he was an Engineer so I imagine his style of drawing was quite intricate.
  • Map+ his inventions>>  so people will know the location of his inventions 
  • I still don't know how to make my A1 poster, stamps and postcards work as a set.

I want Brunel to know that he is an amazing, a genius man and I am very proud of him (even though it is impossible as he's dead). I want him to feel proud of what he did and changed the UK interim of technology and people are still using his inventions. I want the world know that he was such an amazing engineer that came from Britain.

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