Thursday 19 May 2016

OUIL603 : Summative Evaluation

I have leant so much while I was working on this module. Firstly, I think that I am not always confident with my ideas so I have often ended up either getting behind or giving up halfway through the projects. However, things have always got better whenever I have tried to push myself harder and I have ended up with illusions and mockups that I am proud of. Secondly, time management played an important role throughout this module. However, I have managed to finish the work before the deadline and managed to focus more on this module after I had submitted COP.

I have explored a lot of different possible type of illustrations on this modules which ended up that each studio briefs have different target audiences. This have helped me to know my target audience that are suitable with my tone of voice; mainly teenagers, women and children.

Because I kept changing my mind, my original statement to intend was way different than my current statement to intend. I have founded a new strength which is making 3D mockups; I really enjoy making mockups for concertina colouring books and mini idioms packaging even though thorough it was quite challenging - time consuming, concentration and a whole lot of patience needed !

OUIL603 - Project Report

OUIL603- Brief 5 : The Big Brief Boards

OUIL603- Brief 4 : My Aquarium Boards

OUIL603- Brief 3- Responsive Boards

OUIL603- Brief 2 - Malaysian Idioms Educational Cards Boards

OUIL603- Brief 1 - Thought Bubble Boards

Statement of Intent

Statement of Intent : January 2016

Updated Statement on Intent : May 2016

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Printed version of my designs !

^Greetings Cards

^Gift wraps and mini cards

^Mini cards

I started my big brief much later than everyone else; approximately three weeks before the deadline. However, I managed to create 9 greetings cards, three gift wraps, and six mini cards. I started late because I kept avoiding this brief because I kept changing my mind as to what I wanted to do for this brief I kept producing illustrations for other studio briefs. I also had so many ideas and was unable to decide which one I wanted to do the most. If I had more time I would have started this brief sooner and been more confident with my ideas. I would also have loved to print my greeting cards onto a heavier stock because I think my current stock is too thin for greetings card. Because I did not use A format, I had had to create my own envelope and was unable to find  suitable plastic sleeves for it and ended up creating a box in which to place all the greetings card.

Tuesday 17 May 2016

MIni cards



Images above are my final mini cards. The bottom three cards will be folded.

Mini card

I experimented with different shapes of mini cards that can be placed and use at greetings cards.  

^ not suitable for a portrait card because the illustration is square format. 

Image X and Y.

Image X - I changed the shape of mini cards and this illustration looks so much better with an oval shaped mini card.
Image Y - The illustration is not suitable for a landscape mini cards and will not use this for final design.


^As usual, I created some mockups before I started to produce real items. I already printed some pattern using a 200gsm papers. Honestly, I think the paper is suitable for paperbag.

I tried to make one using 200gsm and guess what!, I cannot even fold the paper to make the base of the bag! I just wasted like £4. I knew it I should have use a tiner paper stock !

^I also  tried to use a photocopy piece of paper but I just dislike the fact that whenever I fold the paper, the will be ink brake (white stuff appear whenever i fold the paper)

So, I don't have anymore time to print my pattern onto a thiner piece of papers because of the deadline is so soon. I will just do a mockup.

Boxes reference

 For my submission, I would also love to submit a variety of different sizes of paperbags; and board above shows my secondary researches.

The making of envelope

My greetings cards are not in 'A' format, so I do dont have any choice but to make my own envelope. I bought my own paper from the library. Whenever I wanted to make some 3D stuff, I usually made a mockup using a cheaper piece of paper so it can be my main reference later on. 

Mini card.

These are examples of mini cards that I am considering to create for the submission. I love the top right designs the most because the designer used a lot of different shapes to create the cards

^Image X and Y
I am keen to experiment with  image Y,top left sketch and image Y top right sketch as they are unusual shapes for me to experimented with. Usually I used Image X top left shapes for mini cards.

Monday 16 May 2016

Job: Cancelation

Originally, I proposed to create 4 type of greetings card which are:
Passing Driving Test
Getting a job.

However, I decided to not design the getting a job greeting cards because I don't have enough time to finish it off before the deadline. This is due to lack of time management and I have a print slot this afternoon. I also realised that there are some many far more important that need to be done for the submission than design another greetings card such as boards and project report for the submission.

Sunday 15 May 2016

Wedding : Pattern

Images above are patterns that I designed for the wedding section. I prefer the top right illustration because it looks simpler compared the top right illustration - deleted the props and flower make the top right illustration looks simpler and lovely. 

Wedding: Card 3

Experimenting of using my own hand writing but I think it is a bad idea as I don't have a good hand writing and looking not preffesional.

^Final illustration for wedding card 3. 

I decided to use a font called……. The font have some hand writing effect suitable with the polaroid as on polaroid people usually write something below photographs. The design looks more professional and elegant. 

This is my favourite design of the wedding card because I love the concept of this card which is "Capture the moments"- polaroid photos = capturing the moment of the wedding ceramony

^Inside the card.

Wedding: Card 3 - Ideas Development


These two images  above are some sketches polaird photos that I will put on the greeting card

Saturday 14 May 2016

Wedding : Card 2 : Final

^Final 2nd wedding card illustration.

^The inside design

Wedding : Card 2


How happening. designing my second wedding greeting card

Wedding: card 2

I am designing my 2nd wedding greetings card. However I found it difficult to illustrate wedding rings. So I decided to change my idea.

Wedding : Card 1 - Final

^The final wedding card 1 illustration.

I had had to redesign the above illustration because I accidentally unsaved the illustration. Lesson: Keep saving work and stop being careless ! 

^Inside of the card

Friday 13 May 2016

Wedding : Card 1 - Background experimentation

I was experimenting with variety different coloured background. I like the pink and yellow background as pink represents love. I also changed the border to white colour to represent wedding - English wedding usually use white colour also the white colour represent pure.

The illustration with pink and yellow background and the white border is my final illustration for wedding:card 1

Wedding: Card 1

I am designing my first wedding card.

Thursday 12 May 2016

Our Final crits.

  • Ask native english speakers (study mates) to check grammar before I print out my greeting cards
  • I need to do my board.
  • Keep blogging.
  • Lack of visual reference.

Behind Design

These will be the back cover for all cards. 

Wednesday 11 May 2016

Wedding : Messages inside the card

  • Congratulation you are not single anymore
  • Congratulation and enjoy your marriage life
  • Best wishes to the newest couple
  • Congratulation and enjoy your marriage
  • Congratulation, you are certified husband and wife
  • My headiest congratulation to both of you.

Wedding : Development

Images above are some sketches that I developed throughout this wedding card.

Wedding : Idea Development.

Don't judge but these are extremely rough idea for this wedding greetings card

Driving : Final Pattern

After I made the characters smaller, the pattern looks so much better. I also aligned the characters onto straight lines which helped to make the pattern looks tidy. However, I still feel unsatisfied with the pattern. I just dislike the fact  that all the characters are holding the 'L' and 'P' sign.

Then I decied to change the 'L' and 'P' symbol to cars; I got to admit that the pattern looks so much better. I will use this pattern for my final passing driving test pattern.