Tuesday 28 October 2014

Stop motion.

My 3 motives for my stop motion animation was a bottle, fingers and eyeballs. However I changes fingers to a picker because I found it was difficult to draw finger on the side angle

Me while I was doing my stop motion near the photography department.

Select all the tiff images and click 'tiff sequence'

To render. 
I have to change the duration in the composition settings if it different that the duration in the timeline. Just follow the images above.

File>Export>Add to Render Queue

I need to click at Loseless > Format > Quick Time Option> H.264>Okay

Output to > save as the file name> Click Render
To make the video slower i have to use the 'stretch' seething just near the layers in the timeline panel.

I think stop motion is a time consuming animation process but I think it worth it whenever  I look at the outcome.

I think I might consider stop motion for my final design as well as edit and add some typography in Ae/Ai or Ps.

I had a problem when I tried to import my tiff images (dragon frame tiff images) into Ae which I deleted one of my tiff file. then when I exerted my tiff files it came out like this (below)
(Figure x)
So I had to split the layer.

To split layer, firstly make site the 'Current Time Indicator' at the frame that I want to delete then go to Edit>Split layer

The layer at the timeline panel will look like this (when I press the split layer). To hide the figure X, I had to shrink the bold blueish line on the timeline panel then drag it near to the end of the bole blue line behind it. 

Peer Review Session.

1. Comment on .. What have I learnt ?
I leant how to use Dragon Frame software to create my stop motion animation. I also learnt that to make the stop motion object  secure, I needed  to use Blu-tac to move my stop motions.

2. Commet on.. Effectiveness of the movement

  • They are pretty smooth (movement). 
  • The eyes ball does look like eyes but this stop motion does not related to the author which is Neil Gaiman.

3. Comment on… how effectively is concept and idea.
My peers suggested that for my future animation project that i should experiment with different angles and viewpoints e.g. from birds eyes, zoom in etc (I could try this for my final design)

4. General comments 

  • I will change my ideas that will be related to the author and the book.
  • Use photography on eyeballs instead of drawing the. 

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