Thursday 2 April 2015

RESPONSIVE : Postcards

Why do I choose this brief ?
Design more pattern and sell my work to people so I can promote my work and gain some pocket my money. I also want to network with Malaysian people across United Kingdom.

What do I want to get out of it ? 
Learn how to make repeat pattern, by  selling my postcards I hope I can gain more freelance work

What do I need to produce in respond to it ? 
Postcards with some pattern and quotes.

What do you want to produce in respond to it ?
A6 postcards, patterns with bright colour schemes, legible typography used.
I designed 12 postcards (patterns with quotes) to sell across Malaysian events. So far I have sold more than 300 postcards at four different events across UK.

I found it amazing and happy whenever people buy my work. I found it difficult to love my work but by having buyers to compliment my work, do make me feel more confident and eager to design more.

There are two batch of design (sic and six) the first six designs are more to 'leaves' and 'natural' themes and the second batch are more to 'abstract' and 'shape' themes. I did the second batch digitally but not the first batch. I sketched the leaves/flowers on a piece of paper, scanned it in and then coloured them in Photoshop. I enjoyed both processes of working.

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