Thursday 30 April 2015

1st and 2nd illustrations.

Figure above is a rough sketch for my 1st 25x25cm illustration.

Image Y
I wanted to mix digital collage and photoshop brush tool in my illustration but the outcome did not please me. I think the water is too blue and the ground colour is too dull which makes the iguana's sort uninteresting (even thought it have an interesting texture.
Image X
Then I started to make everything digital collage but I am struggling with the ground colour. this image above reminds me of snow as I left the ground white colour. After I had a long thought, I decided to decided this image into two. First is a mosquitoes looking down and the second image is an iguana drinking a waterhole just by zoom in at the mosquitoes and at the iguana. 

I also decided to make the book smaller from 25x25cm to 20x20cm; this because I want to cut my budget for printing and binding. 

1st Illustration (left), 2nd Illustration (right)
Left: I only zoomed in at the mosquitoes and made the trees (at the background) closer to each other to represent forrest. I am quiet please with the outcome. The textures, colours and patterns work together as an illustration

Right : I also zoomed in the iguana from the image Y. I made the waterhole's colour darker. I think important for me to make sure that I open the setting of 'Proof Colour' in Photoshop all the time. I also decided to make the ground colour a dark green colour and made little grass with lighter green. 

I feel good. 

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