Monday 2 March 2015

Peer review and Project proposal

So I decided to choose 'kindness' as my concept because I don't want my audience read my narrative without gain any knowledge or value. I did a questionnaire, I asked around 20 to 25 people 'What is the smallest thing that people that make you happy? Why? How? and When ? ' and below are answers that I received either from questionnaire and from my personal experiences.

 The one that I circled are the strongest ideas, but I am not sure yet.

We did a crits last week and below are the peer review.
Rowena suggested me not to decide to illustrate any stories but start off to sketch all or most of the story that I listed then decide. I think it is a good idea as this will help me gain my drawing skill and have time to decide my stories for my narrative book.

Project Proposal:-

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