Tuesday 31 March 2015

Evaluation Responsive studio brief 2.

Having William as my creative partner was challenging yet fun. We have our own way of working, our skills and specialities are very different. Will is good at hand made stuff but I am good at editing and digital stuff. I think by having a creative partner that has opposing skills is beneficial even though sometimes we disagreed. If we could not make any decisions (because of different opinions and points of view), we always asked our peers and we relied on their decision.

We decided on our tasks but I had to do the graphic design parts especially editing typography and layout as I am good at this and have a graphic design background. Our first idea was slightly different to our final idea as we found it was difficult to illustrate a moment and  we are both good at drawing objects.

Sometimes we have to cancel our meeting because of something urgent happen for example Will was ill or during the CMV exhibition, we was so busy working with the exhibition and have no time for other module for a week or two. But at the end we managed to finish everything on time.

Personally I found it was easier to work together instead of working in my own time and to be honest I think it was difficult for Will to work by himself as the subject is Kuala Lumpur and Kuala Lumpur (KL) is my hometown. Even though I describe Kuala Lumpur to him, he still found it hard to get the whole atmosphere because he had not been there.

Because we created some illustrations in our own time, the of the colours were a bit diffident even we used the same colours. My illustrations was slightly lighter compared to Will''s so we had to duplicate the layers so the illustration looked the same.

I like the fact that we have to write our own contract and have to sign it to make sure everyone treated each other equally. This helped me to imagine how my future career will be like as I probably will be doing a lot of collaborative. 

In terms of money, I was the money holder. I had to make sure that we did not overspend the budget. We usually split this into two using either cash or online banking.


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