Tuesday 28 October 2014

Stop motion.

My 3 motives for my stop motion animation was a bottle, fingers and eyeballs. However I changes fingers to a picker because I found it was difficult to draw finger on the side angle

Me while I was doing my stop motion near the photography department.

Select all the tiff images and click 'tiff sequence'

To render. 
I have to change the duration in the composition settings if it different that the duration in the timeline. Just follow the images above.

File>Export>Add to Render Queue

I need to click at Loseless > Format > Quick Time Option> H.264>Okay

Output to > save as the file name> Click Render
To make the video slower i have to use the 'stretch' seething just near the layers in the timeline panel.

I think stop motion is a time consuming animation process but I think it worth it whenever  I look at the outcome.

I think I might consider stop motion for my final design as well as edit and add some typography in Ae/Ai or Ps.

I had a problem when I tried to import my tiff images (dragon frame tiff images) into Ae which I deleted one of my tiff file. then when I exerted my tiff files it came out like this (below)
(Figure x)
So I had to split the layer.

To split layer, firstly make site the 'Current Time Indicator' at the frame that I want to delete then go to Edit>Split layer

The layer at the timeline panel will look like this (when I press the split layer). To hide the figure X, I had to shrink the bold blueish line on the timeline panel then drag it near to the end of the bole blue line behind it. 

Peer Review Session.

1. Comment on .. What have I learnt ?
I leant how to use Dragon Frame software to create my stop motion animation. I also learnt that to make the stop motion object  secure, I needed  to use Blu-tac to move my stop motions.

2. Commet on.. Effectiveness of the movement

  • They are pretty smooth (movement). 
  • The eyes ball does look like eyes but this stop motion does not related to the author which is Neil Gaiman.

3. Comment on… how effectively is concept and idea.
My peers suggested that for my future animation project that i should experiment with different angles and viewpoints e.g. from birds eyes, zoom in etc (I could try this for my final design)

4. General comments 

  • I will change my ideas that will be related to the author and the book.
  • Use photography on eyeballs instead of drawing the. 

Friday 24 October 2014

10 things that I want to get out of this module.
  1. Learn new skills
  2. at least win a competition
  3. make my mum proud
  4. networking with other designers and companies
  5. do a lot of live biefs and competitions
  6. get a first (result/grade)
  7. know and aware of 'terms and conditions of competition
  8. gain more knowledge in working with clients and companies
  9. not to stick with the same techniques all the time
  10. identify well known companies and designers. 
10 things that I want to get out of this module (group) 3 people
  1. Learn new skills
  2. collaborate with other practitioners 
  3. win competitions
  4. gain problem solving skills >> reflection and responding to constructive
  5. not to stick with the same technique all the time
  6. networking
  7. more confident about my work
  8. more comfortable collaborating with other people
  9. experience
  10. Make myself and my family proud
  11. Project management and working with deadlines.
10 things that I want to get out of this module (the whole group)
  1. Broaden my approaches
  2. win stuff
  3. professional feedback
  4. networking opportunities
  5. confidence workload 
  6. management
  7.  working to deadlines
  8. working with clients
  9. experience
  10. locating my practice 

10 ways competitions briefs help me to meet the criteries 
  1. get different brides and approach them with different ways
  2. identify what make the work succeed 
  3. go personally ask professionals' feedbacks e.g. though email or letter
  4. try to get some briefs that allow I to collaborate
  5. Produce work that I like and I am comfortable with
  6. select the right briefs
  7. do to do list or timetable
  8. try to choose well known companies and clients
  9. get a variety briefs that can make i experience a lot of skills
  10. choosing the right brief and feels right for me. 
  1. People don't know about us
  2. multiple audience (we don't know who they are)
  3. fun not serious
  4. we don't know what we want
  5. pretty but pragmatic 
  6. we are dull and out of date
  7. adding value
  1. Produce a product
  2. visual concept
  3. persuade through a campaign
  1. Publicise their brand
  2. expand their audience
  3. return customers
  4. attract kids
  5. more customer
  6. edge over competition 

Wednesday 22 October 2014


My friend asked me to design a bookmark for our event that will held this Saturday at Liverpool. The dimension was 16x9cm but then I told her I did slightly bigger (17x7) because I think the dimension that she gave was too small for a bookmark.

She saw me doodling this drawings when I was meeting her. She wanted me to draw a lot of faces around the edges that looking at a quote in the middle like a sketch above.

Because it will be an islamic event, so I have to draw women with hijab, so I did

Me when I was working in Illustrator. 

This is a jpeg file that I sent to my friend. I added some crop mark so everything would align whenever she want to cut the bookmark.

These are some bookmark that already printed and ready to giveaway. 

I have learnt  not to shy away from drawing whereever I am as opportunities can come from wherever and whenever. Also I need to have some confidence in drawing in public. 

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Stop motion workshop

This was my first workshop for stop motion with Eleanor. My team was Rosy, Orla, Paul, Kane and me. We got an idea of a bouncing  ball. 
This is out story board.

A piece of paper per frame, we have to do 12 frames = 12 piece of papers = 12 balls.
Firstly, I thought by using a frame per sheet of newsprint paper was a waste but after I done the stop motion, I realised that it really helped as I could see the previous frame by putting the next frame ontop of the previous frame.

We, team working to get this stop motion done. wool !

I used a circle cutter to cut the circles to make sure the circles are the same size and shape.

I found it difficult to cut some circles as it is my first time using circle cutter

Then we realised that we need to included 3 items in the animation, so we decided to create 3 bouncing balls. 

Yellow ball - Fastest x12
Purple - Medium x12
Blue- Slowest x12

The final outcome

Sunday 12 October 2014

I found this illustration on the internet (But I don't know by who). Anyway the hand reminds me of my theme which is 'creepy' sort of theme for OUIL504

Wednesday 1 October 2014

M for Magic by Neil Gaiman

As discusses with my tutor, I decided to change my book to M for Magic by Neil Gaiman. Tis is because the previous book (The Day I Swapped My Dad With Two Goldfish) is already illustrative and would be difficult for me to illustrate it in different ways than the book..