Friday 13 December 2013

Primary research – Questionnaire

I asked in between 30 and 35 people and these are the best answer that I thought might be helpful for my idea generation.

1.       Do you like snail?
·         Camper vans

2.       Have you ever stepped on a snail? How and why? (If no, Imagine if you did stepped one)?
·         A crack, yep it was a snail
·         Really dark
·         Yes bare foot. It quashed through my toes
·         I once ran over a snail on my scooter
·         I was young.
·         A gardener who does it on purpose
·         In my socks in the dark and stood on one
·         Barefoot, at night in the garden
·         I was young and crazy and had a thirst for blood, snail blood

3.       When? ( year,night or day, age)
·         I was little, about 10 years of age
·         A child from age 4-10 years of age
·         11PM
·         Garden barefoot at night
·         At night
·         Last year at night
·         Usually at night

4.       How do you feel about it? How was your reaction and emotion?
·         Probably scream and grief
·         Sad
·         ‘Oh no’
·         ‘ewwwww’
·         I was like ‘opppps, i’m sorry’
·         Upset
·         Shock me

5.       What did you do after that?
·         Scrabbled my foot forever
·         Said sorry
·         Put my socks on and clean it
·         Carried the person i was with so that they wouldn’t step on anymore
·         Went inside and cried
·         Scraped m y shoe
·         Carry on walking

6.       Where can i find snail now?
·         Garden/up walls s after it rains
·         Outside
·         Pet shop, insect part of wildlife centre
·         Bush
·         Around dark, wet, rocks, grass area
·         Early morning on pathways
·         On rainy day

7.    Additional comments
·         Snails are cute
·         Zatul xxxx
·         Snails are not food
·         They usually are in group
·         I like to move snails into grass
·         Strong and independent or lovable snails?


I have learn that if I want to do questionnaire, I have to make sure that my questions are as specific as possible so I can get the right answers.

I did two batches of questionnaire.
1st batch I asked 20 people and the 2nd batch I asked 20 people as well.

For the 2nd batch I edited some questions to be more specific e.g. for question 3, I added 'year, night or day, age.'

But overall, I think questionnaire is the best primary research and was extremely helpful for my idea generation.


oh, I found this on my sketchbook.

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