Wednesday 11 December 2013

There are a few websites that helped me to know more about snail in general e.g.  snail world.

Here are some information that I thought might be helpful for my snail little project ^.^

I found it was hard to find snails as they are hibernating at the moment (during winter). All I found was a slug. Anyway, so then I decided to borrow some books from the library (LCA and the public library) and draw from google (snail).
Books from the library:

  1. How to care for your Giant African Land Snail by Lucie Mann
  2. Land Snails in the British Isle by Robert Cameron
  3. Slugs and Snails  by Theresa Greenaway

I tried to watch some documentaries about snail, but I don't think I am strong enough to watch snails world - closed up with all that smily thinging. 

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