Thursday 11 December 2014


I was confuse either to illustrate a Yorkshire scenery or to create a pattern. Then during the crits, my peers advised me to create pattern that contains Yorkshire elements like what I originally planned. 

Monday 8 December 2014

2nd 10 second animation

^ My story board

Let's start to make these images move !

I had to clean the edges of my collage illustrations in Ps. I think it is essential especially I love neat stuff.

Then in Indesign I placed my illustrations.

Test 1 (above)

I should make the clown and the box bigger.
when I zoom in the animation, everything look out of their place e.g. the clown is outside the box. Basically everything look wrong.

Test 2 (above)
I made the clown bigger and everything look out of control compared to the previous animation test dad I did (Test 1) however the clown still go outside the box when I zoom it. I might make the box and the clown in one photoshop file.

Test 3
I asked for my tutor's opinion and he said 
1. if it jack in the box then try to  make the jack came out the box if not that than my animation only will looks like a clown shaking about at the top of a box.
2. the background is too bold, make its opacity lower.

I shall have a think and need to look at some Jack-in-the-box's video to see how does it actually work and move.

I swear I tried using all those background (Images above) but they made my background (wall) looks more unprofessional. I also tried used bold black and grey colour and they made the wall look to empty. Then at the end I decided to leave everything as they were. Those all are my textures that I either made from my previous projects or a scanned item. I also tried to change the opacity and no no and no.

I added some sound to make it more exciting. I also realised that if I want to make the handle move, I have to scale it down.

Thursday 4 December 2014

1st 10 second animation. (to be continued)

is not smooth enough so I decided to remake it again because I cannot figure it out which frame it was.

Unfinished animation of Humpty Dumpty.
I think the wall is too high up and I will add Humpty Dumpty sitting on the wall

i tried to put my unfinished Humpty Dumpty just to see the outcome but it looks unprofessional. After I had a long battle with my self, I decided to change my idea. I went back to the story and decided to animate this quote '.. a team of spider to scare little girls …'

Below is the story board.

^I was looking at the eyes of spiders for my animation.

At first I was planning to use the spiderweb background for the beginning of the animation. however I cannot find the right colour for the title. So I decided to use a black textured background and the spiderweb background.

Final animation

Saturday 29 November 2014

Pattern 3 : Humpty Dumpty/Birds

I am a bit stuck with my final pattern for studio brief 3. I wanted to draw birds as the title of this story is Four and Twenty Blackbirds. However, I found it difficult to draw 10 different blackbirds so I decided to illustrate 10 Humpty Dumpty with different emotions as this story is about the death of Humpty Dumpty.

I wanted to add a trouser for my character because it looks too empty but after I add a short trouser, it looks weird so I might try to add a longer trouser.

I think the trouser still look weird and I cannot get the hand right. So I decided to give up on illustration Humpty Dumpty and try to draw birds hopefully it will work.

^ Image references

I don't know if this count as cheating by I traced some birds images then added some my own imaginary details onto it. This is because I couldn't draw birds. I tried but they looks wrong.

The making of one of my bird.

10 birds

This is what my final pattern looks like after I laid out all my birds. I had to rotate the birds so the all facing to the left. I showed this to my industrial design friend, she said it looks cute then I told her that this meant to look creepy. She advised me to change the eyes.

Below are some experiments :- 

She told me to change the eyes shape to something like image below

Then she advised me to rotate 180 degrees 

The eyes still look wrong and I decided to leave them as they were.

Final pattern number 3. I hope by using a dark colour scene will still create a creepy mode even the bird illustrations look cute.

Thursday 27 November 2014

Sign up tutorial

I had my sign up tutorial with Fred and he advised me to :-

  1. think about the layout for my pattern
  2. use a bit of my printed pictures  for animation
  3. think about the paper stock for studio brief 3
He also said for my animation - because I want to make some sketchbooks/note books for my studio brief 3, why don't I use my sketchbook/note book that I make behalf of my animation. E.g by using my 1st idea of animation (someone holding a book ad the book open, then some character jump into the pages - click here)).

He told me that I would not be able to have enough time to create new stuff for my animation as I only have a month of studio time.

Monday 24 November 2014

Pattern 2 : Clown

Image below are my reference images for clowns. I looked at Jack-in-the-box, scary clown, scary makeup and frogs' eyes.

I think it is interesting to mix variety creatures into one. e.g. using frogs' eyes for clown.

^sketches of scary clown, ready to digitise in Ps.

I created clowns in photoshop using the same steps, brush tool and other tools as I did in my previous pattern (houses with feet)

I used the lasso tool to create the path and used the brush tool to colour it in.

Sometimes I can't digitise my sketch to look exactly like it because I think it looks wrong (like image above). THis is due to I work with a limited colour pallet so the detail in the illustration have to be quite simple and legible.

These two images are my clowns that i already digitised that ready to arrange as a pattern. 

I had to change the height so the pattern got some breathing space. I also cropped it a bit.

This is how my pattern look like when I placed all my 10 clowns. However I think my clowns look too cramp and close to each other. Because I already separate the  layers according with the colour, I had had to rearrange my clowns again

I created a new document to rearrange my clowns.

Done ! I am very satisfied with the gap between each clown.

Apparently, the clowns look creepier without the green face.  think I am going to use image above as my final design for Pattern 2.