Monday 8 December 2014

2nd 10 second animation

^ My story board

Let's start to make these images move !

I had to clean the edges of my collage illustrations in Ps. I think it is essential especially I love neat stuff.

Then in Indesign I placed my illustrations.

Test 1 (above)

I should make the clown and the box bigger.
when I zoom in the animation, everything look out of their place e.g. the clown is outside the box. Basically everything look wrong.

Test 2 (above)
I made the clown bigger and everything look out of control compared to the previous animation test dad I did (Test 1) however the clown still go outside the box when I zoom it. I might make the box and the clown in one photoshop file.

Test 3
I asked for my tutor's opinion and he said 
1. if it jack in the box then try to  make the jack came out the box if not that than my animation only will looks like a clown shaking about at the top of a box.
2. the background is too bold, make its opacity lower.

I shall have a think and need to look at some Jack-in-the-box's video to see how does it actually work and move.

I swear I tried using all those background (Images above) but they made my background (wall) looks more unprofessional. I also tried used bold black and grey colour and they made the wall look to empty. Then at the end I decided to leave everything as they were. Those all are my textures that I either made from my previous projects or a scanned item. I also tried to change the opacity and no no and no.

I added some sound to make it more exciting. I also realised that if I want to make the handle move, I have to scale it down.

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