Sunday 31 January 2016

Idiom two.

Images above are final results for idiom 2. I think I will go with the top right illustration because the sunlight make the frog looks more bright and more focus compared to the left illustration.

Illustrating idiom 2 was not as hard as idiom one. Honestly, I don't know why but I am happy with the result. I used the brush tool to draw tiny grass.

Saturday 30 January 2016

Idiom 2.

Idiom 2 : 'Katak dibawah tempurung' (like frog(s) underneath coconut shell)

Becca Stadtlander and frogs.

Illustration by Becca Stadtlander.

This illustration have inspired me to illustrate the grass section by using a shady green textures as the base of the ground and using the brush tool to draw grass with a darker colour.

These frogs images were inspired me to use the right colour for a frog. On my illustration, I added some dark dots on the frog's skin to make it more realistic as in real life, frog's skin is not flawless. 

Reference images for frog's eye.

Collages for idiom 2

 My collages are now ready to digitise for idiom 2 !
Let's do this thing !!!

Friday 29 January 2016

Digitise time.

Illustration above is what its look like after I coloured the drawing. I dislike it because it looks too empty (no textures) and I am struggling to change the outline colours into e.g. white or orange. Then I unconsciously looked back to my prawn illustrations that I did.

Then I decided to add a fishing net on the illustration. I am happy and please with the outcome. 

I was so struggling to get this illustration right, I still can remember when I just want to cry and give up on this illustration but I forced myself to get this right. The power of never give-up and believing in myself. 

Zatul is one happy girl. *dragon dance*


After I had a long night to think about this idiom, I decided to experiment with lines drawing. I started by using a fine-liner and traced my illustration (Image Y from the previous blog post).
I replaced the person to fishing tackles. Then, I realised that to catch shrimps, we need a fishing net, not a finish tackle.

Then I start again and drew a fishing net. The drawing (top left above) is just a test to see if the corals look better in black colour. 

Scan and colour time !

Thursday 28 January 2016

Idiom 1.

After having a conversation with my peers, they suggested me illustrate one of my first idea or this idiom as the previous composition was a bit boring.

Image above is my new composition for this idiom that I will be working on.

Image X and Y.

Image X- I illustrated this image first but I don't think the image looks professional as it is too busy. The composition looks more interesting than the previous' (click here -Image Z). So then I decided the go back to Image Z.
Image Y - this is a new version of image Z after I relocated shrimps, seaweeds and added a person. I think this image looks much better compared to Image Y and Z. However, I still think this illustration is not good enough. I think it looks so busy and pack. The colour is okay though. I will have another go tomorrow, If I cannot make any better than I will give up on this brief and start a new brief. 

Wednesday 27 January 2016

To submit for the competition.

I will submit these three boards and my animation to the TigerCreate.

Final animation. The password is 12345. The reason I put password is because this animation is for a competition and maybe confidential . 
Delicious : Fruit from zatul fakharuldin on Vimeo.

This is a competition brief for TigerCreate. The concept of the animation is to promote the benefits of fruit for the  human body. This was one of the earliest briefs that I complited for OUIL603. I was disqualified because I had not realised that the judges had not asked for an animation but for an app. I realised that only after I finished my animation which is  unprofessional. In the future, I need to read briefs carefully and make sure I understand the brief before I start designing. Nevertheless, I love  animation and enjoy making it.

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Example of Concertina books

These are examples of concertina books by contemporary illustrators.
  • There are two type of concertina books. 1. Spot illustrations that have been place on a concertina book format. 2. long drawings of a subject - like a panorama photograph.
I think I might experiment with the second one (Long drawings) because I never work at this format before and will be interesting to see the result. 

I started some drawing and yes I am struggling. However, I will do my best to accomplish this concertina book.

Sunday 24 January 2016


I want to add a credit section at the end of my animation. I went on YouTube to look for inspiration, then I found one. Image below is the screenshot from a 2D animation.

Image below is my credit section on the animation.


Originally, I was using a music by Jason Falmson for my animation. I went to his website and read the copyright and licence; i believe that I am not allowed to use the music especially when Jason is a well known composer and pianist.

Then I decided to google free licence music and I found a composer called Bensound. He states that:-

So, this is a good and clear stated which allow me to use his music. After browsing on his website, I decided to use one of his music called Little Idea and I will credit him at the end of my animation.

Thursday 21 January 2016

Juice collage

My juice collage is now ready to animate !

Fruit Latest Test Animation

Fruit Latest Test. from zatul on Vimeo.

  • I need to change the music background as the composer still not replying to my e-mail - no copyright
  • I need to do a fruit juice collage for the next part of the animation.
I just realised that I never read the submission detail. I can't believe it, my animation is almost done ! and I know nothing about the submission detail. So, I emailed the competition's staff and went on the website, they said I need to submit Concept Board. Hmm. I Need to start researching about concept board. They also told me that I am not allowed to submit animation only, concept board is a mandatory requirement for this competition submission. 

I decided that I will submit a Concept Board and this animation. 

Lesson: Read the submission detail and terms&condition before start a competition or live brief !!!!!

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Bling bling

Originally, the 'bling bling' (tiny lines around the apple and orange) are in green. It was good but I think there are too much green colour (Sort of plus a green colour leaf neat the apple). 

 Then I decided to change to yellow. Yellow colour was originally I was imagined to put as the bling bling; also yellow means happy and energy which suitable with the 'energy and stronger' on the animation.

Fruit Energy

The next part of the animation is 'Fruits can give you energy and make you stronger.
Fruit energy from zatul on Vimeo.

I animated it but I think the animation is energetic enough to reprint ENERGY and STRONG. After I had a long thought, I came out with an idea to add some thick small lines around the fruits like my sketch below.

I only have 9 days left until the deadline for this competition. Let's do this thing!!!!!

Friday 15 January 2016

Idiom 1

I am still refining my idiom 1.

I think it look so much better except the background. I need to add more detail to make it more depth and look like a sea.