Tuesday 31 March 2015

Evaluation Responsive studio brief 2.

Having William as my creative partner was challenging yet fun. We have our own way of working, our skills and specialities are very different. Will is good at hand made stuff but I am good at editing and digital stuff. I think by having a creative partner that has opposing skills is beneficial even though sometimes we disagreed. If we could not make any decisions (because of different opinions and points of view), we always asked our peers and we relied on their decision.

We decided on our tasks but I had to do the graphic design parts especially editing typography and layout as I am good at this and have a graphic design background. Our first idea was slightly different to our final idea as we found it was difficult to illustrate a moment and  we are both good at drawing objects.

Sometimes we have to cancel our meeting because of something urgent happen for example Will was ill or during the CMV exhibition, we was so busy working with the exhibition and have no time for other module for a week or two. But at the end we managed to finish everything on time.

Personally I found it was easier to work together instead of working in my own time and to be honest I think it was difficult for Will to work by himself as the subject is Kuala Lumpur and Kuala Lumpur (KL) is my hometown. Even though I describe Kuala Lumpur to him, he still found it hard to get the whole atmosphere because he had not been there.

Because we created some illustrations in our own time, the of the colours were a bit diffident even we used the same colours. My illustrations was slightly lighter compared to Will''s so we had to duplicate the layers so the illustration looked the same.

I like the fact that we have to write our own contract and have to sign it to make sure everyone treated each other equally. This helped me to imagine how my future career will be like as I probably will be doing a lot of collaborative. 

In terms of money, I was the money holder. I had to make sure that we did not overspend the budget. We usually split this into two using either cash or online banking.


Sunday 29 March 2015


Why do I choose this brief ?
Because I'm love making pattern and I think this brief will not take long to accomplish.

What do I want to get out of it ?

Make some more pattern and get my work display on the website.

What do I need to produce in respond to it ?
Format : A2 portrait pattern
File : pdf, 300dpi
Submit To: wrappedcollective@gmail.com (email or via WeTransfer)

What do you want to produce in respond to it ?

Patterns !

Overall I submitted two designs.

This was the first time I created an A2 portrait pattern (which is quite big). It was not really challenging as I already knew the basic format for pattern but overall I really enjoyed working with this brief. If I had more time I would like to print the patterns and experimenting with foil. 

My patterns on the WrappedCo website.

Thursday 26 March 2015


These are some collages for my studio brief one. I made a lot of textures so I can use them for my collage. Collage is my favourite technique of working after sketch ideas on another sketchbook using a biro pen. Experimenting with collage needs a lot of patience as sometimes it took me more than 3 hours to do a page but the outcome usually pleased me, so I am okay with that.                                                

My favourite collage is the iguana. I like the texture for its skin and the colours work rally well in that page.

Frame one.

Now happening. Illustration the first quote from the book.

Thursday 19 March 2015

RESPONSIVE : Yorkshire Tea.

I did not managed to finish my Yorkshire Tea brief (only submitted one board). I think this is due to lack of motivation and I found this brief is really hard. So instead of focusing on Yorkshire Tea brief, I did quite a few small briefs.

Above is an email from YCN to confirm that they received my application.


Thursday 5 March 2015


5 things that make our design a winner

  1. The use of colour scheme which appropriate with the Malaysian culture
  2. The colour pallet is delightful 
  3. Well researched and usable products for example map
  4. The fact that we are not using Europe country which is possibly will be different than the other designs.
  5. Playful illustrations which are charming and well crafted. 

5 ways the board show this ?

  1. by adding some Malaysia citizens, food and cultures which show the colours and how we were inspired to pick the colour palette
  2. print some of the colour on nice paper. pantone selection
  3. mock up of the map
  4. malaysian pattern and the boards will feel malaysian
  5. put mine and wills drawings on the boards 

5 questions

  1. What do you think of the colours ?
  2. Does it have to be buildings ? what do you think of the content / value of each tourist spot.
  3. other info?
  4. what do you think of the craft?
  5. type????!??!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Monday 2 March 2015



Our five questions for the peers feedback

1. Can we do whole of Malaysia or just the hometown  ?
Focus on a city of Malaysia. Like their capital city 

2. What do you think of inverting colours?
Rebrading city like A-Z

3. Are we doing it right ?
Yes, just keep drawing.

4. What do you think of colours?
The colour doesn't represent Malaysia, maybe get a brighter colour schemes.

5. do we need yo do more branding ?
No just keep keep continue what you are doing.

Peer review and Project proposal

So I decided to choose 'kindness' as my concept because I don't want my audience read my narrative without gain any knowledge or value. I did a questionnaire, I asked around 20 to 25 people 'What is the smallest thing that people that make you happy? Why? How? and When ? ' and below are answers that I received either from questionnaire and from my personal experiences.

 The one that I circled are the strongest ideas, but I am not sure yet.

We did a crits last week and below are the peer review.
Rowena suggested me not to decide to illustrate any stories but start off to sketch all or most of the story that I listed then decide. I think it is a good idea as this will help me gain my drawing skill and have time to decide my stories for my narrative book.

Project Proposal:-