Tuesday 10 February 2015

Study Task One

My two favourite illustrator among these five illustrators are Elise Gravel and Rebecca Eliott ( but I also like Kristyna Baczynski tho !) I like :-

- Elise Gravel  bacause I like her characters and the colour used ! The use of lines with white lines is a good ideas. Plus, I love how she uses handwriting fonts for the typography. Charming !
- Rebecca Eliott because she used a lot of textures ( like I do) but the illustrations still look fresh and not look full of textures and pattern. I love how she added some shades by using the same textures.

What do you already know ?
I already know my area which is character and narrative.
Researched illustrators that might I love

What do you want to know more about ?
Who inspired them
Different lines qualities and textures

What will you do to find out about it ?
Go to their website and email them
Look at my surrounding to see any textures and lines quality.

What themes are you interested in exploring ?
Kindness and love
Things that make people happy

What subjects are you interested in exploring?
People - male and female with variety age and maybe nationality, gifts, phone,  quotes like 'thank you' and 'i love you', home furniture ( bed, table, chair, lamp, computer), food e.g. rice, bread and fruits, sticky notes

What texts have you been exploring ?
I haven't read any texts yet maybe I should go to the library. But I did a questionnaire which helped me with my narrative.

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