Wednesday 7 January 2015

Feedback form tutorial / Further test for printed picture

I had my tutorial with Fred yesterday and he advised me to go beyond from just making sketchbooks. The tutor said  'just making sketchbooks with saddle stitch' is not enough so he suggested me to do more prints. For example just print my favourites houses, brides and clowns. 

I experimented with layout. I think I will place my illustration in the middle of an A5 paper because it look more professional and I believe that the audience will look at the illustration straight away as it is surrounding by negative space. In contrast if I put the illustration at the bottom of the A5 paper, it will look like a logo (like at the back of book cover) which I don't want to.

Image above are the respond to the last tutorial. I don't like the outcome as I think there are too many negative space and the prints almost have no purpose and lose its texture (because they are too small). 

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